vigna carcalla...corkscrew vine

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

I wish someone would trade me something wonderful for my extra gall size vigna carcalla...I dont have alot of overwintering room :)

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

I bet someone will come along in a jiffy to snatch that trade offer up, I know I would if I didn't already grow them :)

Springville, AL(Zone 7a)

What would you like for it?????????
I would LOVE to have one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

I would LOVE to have some hosta that I dont have.
Second choice...daylilies or waterlilies.

open to other "non tropical" things but no seeds..."they die" or tiny shading loving perrenials...(I plant them and then forget where I put them :)

I have one vigna in the in a BIG pot that I plan to bring inside...

this one that I am trading now in a gallon size pot and two tiny rooted pieces that I may put together and overwinter inside. soo.............the gallon size one really needs to go. :) I dont like to mail them completely bare root so the postage is higher and the trade will have to be good enough to be worthwhile.

This is my first season with vigna...I have a million buds and a few open blossoms...they smell soooooooooooooooooo good !!!

Springville, AL(Zone 7a)

Hummmm...I have quite a few hostas, but I have no idea what their names are. Same with daylilies...I have tons of different colors but no idea what their names are.
I have rooted Blue moppedhead Hydrangeas
Petticoat ferns
Australian tree ferns
Ecudorian ferns
Rooted lilac bushes
Purple leaf Ornamental peach tree seedlings
pink rooted Brug cuttings
working on rooted cuttings of Confederate rose
Umbrella plants
Lots of cannas
City of Portland
King Humbert
Maudie Malcolm
Tropicana (red stripe and the Yellow stripe types)
Does any of this interest you??

Yates City, IL(Zone 5a)

I know this is off the topic of trading for vigna but, can someone answer this question?
I've a vigna vine that produces flowers that look like the picture at the top of DavesGarden header and I keep hearing that this plant should have an awesome fragrance...but mine doesn' there a reason for this? dd

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Gosh...I hate to say no but I dont think you have anything I need :(...sorry... I have made a vow to stop trading for plants that I dont need or cant grow.

I'm not really into ferns and I have enough cannas, hydrangeas..I also have brugs and confed rose.....

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

I would imagine that yours may NOT be the vigna caracalla if you dont notice fragrance at "some time" during your bloom.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Perhaps it is just when you are trying to smell it. I notice if there is dew in the mornings or if I have gotten the flowers wet, there is no smell. Usually when it is hot & dry is when they are strong. Other then that, how well does your sniffer work? I know there are a few things that mine does not pick up on due to chronic allergies, but Corks are so fragrant that I can't miss it. The only other caracalla that is popular is the Phaseolus and it does not look the same, it is solid purple. That is the one that has no scent.
Sure hope you get to smell it, it is well worth it. :~)

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 9b)


Would you like to trade for 1 gallon passion vine? If you are interested, I can provide picture of flower (pale purple flower).


Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the offer Eliza. I am really not into vines but was captured by this one because of the weird flower and fragrance.

I would love some more namedJapanese iris or named hosta that I dont have or

some of the new color echinacea (yellow or orange)

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

As far as I live from the P.O. with the gas price rising by the minute it might be a blessing if I dont trade it ....LOL

Springville, AL(Zone 7a)

You know you can go on line to and buy your postage for packages, and also they will pick up your packages right from your door. It doesnt cost you a penny for the service as long as you use priority mail.

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

That is a good service but I havent used it for plants. I have to let the po know the day before and as I dont know the weight until I finished wrapping I cant print and pay before I wrap the package. With plants...I like to wait until the last moment to package them.

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