can anyone reccommend a good book for organic weed and pest

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I need a good book with recipies for organic pest and weed controll, anyone know of one?
thankyou carol

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

The Encyclopaedia of Organic Gardening should have all the info you need.
ISBN O 7513 3381 6 or contact


Efland, NC(Zone 7a) book by that name has a different ISBN....I'm wondering if the one you are referencing is the "New Encyclopaedia of Organic Gardening". (The 'new' one tends to pale in comparison to the original". However, I'm sure there is good info there also.)

Carol/ of the best all-round books is "The Encylopedia of Organic Gardening". It was originally issued in 1959 and then updated/augmented in this day it contains some of the best info on many many aspects of organic growing (and growing in general!). This has been my gardening Bible for over 20-something years. (Just be sure to get this issue(ISBN 0-87857-225-2), not the 'new and improved, or perhaps you can find it listed under the ISBN that Pat gave.)

Another good book, also by Rodale Press, would be "The Organic Gardener's Handbook of Naturel Insect and Disease Control".

I thought for SURE I put both of those books in the Garden Bookworm but can't seem to bring them up in a search. Perhaps the Search mode is not working correctly at this time. Please check the Bookworm at some point and see what you can bring up.

Hope this helps!


Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Thankyou never heard of bookworm, I just read a book called the long emergency, makes me think I need to do some organic gardening. thankyou carol

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

veeja..."The Garden Bookworm" is another great feature that Dave came up with. Check it out here:

I haven't heard of The Long Emergency...if that is something gardening related maybe you could add it to the Bookworm?


Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

The book I suggested is compiled by the Henry Doubleday Research Organisation in Britain, so I don't know if it is easily available in the U.S. I have had quite a few books from Rodale as well and they would probably be more appropriate for you. Reading the forums, America certainly has lots of bugs and nasties that we don't get in Britain (thank goodness!).


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

If you mean for IDs I have really liked mine from Rodale:

Rodale's Garden Insect, Disease, & Weed Identification Guide.

It has illustrations, descriptions, etc. Not everything by any means, but always a good place to start. It is by Miranda SMith & Anna Carr. I think they have several versions of the obok out, possibly with different titles. You can always get a bargain at Usually under $10 even with shipping.

It has indexes, glossary ,resources, photographs, preventin & c ontrol, etc.


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