good bug or bad bug?, that is the question!

Kermit, TX(Zone 7b)

does anyone know if this lil' booger is a bad bug or a good bug?

Thumbnail by leeann6
Griffin, GA(Zone 8a)

leeann6 - I can't tell from the picture, though maybe someone else might recognize it. It is a true bug (Hemiptera). Usually if you can see its "beak", you can tell. A shorter, fat "beak" usually means a predator. A long skinny one might mean it is a plant sucker. However, unless there are a bunch of them I wouldn't worry even if it is a plant sucker - cacti are fairly tough. It's a cute little bug anyway.

Kermit, TX(Zone 7b)

LOL they said it was cute in the cactus forum too...;0) BUT! there were abunch of them on my cactus, cactus was turning yellow, also it had white on it, anyways. Got in there and "smushed" them all !! hehe.... Thank you for your help tho.....!!!! ;0)

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

When in doubt, kill! If your cactus are beginning to suffer it was time to take firm action to protect it.

Kermit, TX(Zone 7b)

yes! i did indeed! got out hemastats and nabbed thoses suckers!

thank you so much, you guys, for your help! ;0)

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