
Leesburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Do cuttings from these guys take root easily? If so, what's been your best method? (I want to get several of these started to cover a fence along my pond)

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

I found this, hope it helps until someone that has done it comes along. :~)


Leesburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I had to laugh and wonder if you linked me to point out the fact that they root easily or to scare me with the various warnings about its aggressive tendancies! :o) The latter is the exact reason I want it where I want to put it. Besides, the neighbor on the other side of that fence really gets on my nerves .... BUT, he has an 8" layer of gravel that is underlayed with plastic with a "jungle gym" on top fo all of that. I doubt he'll have much to worry about. In my mind, though, he owes me ... his kid's friends keep tossing gravel and rocks from the top of said jungle gym into my pond.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

LOL, too funny. But honestly I did not even read the other categories, I was looking strictly for propagation. LOLOLOL
Yeah, sounds like your neighbor DOES owe you. One of those sensor sprinklers aimed at the jungle gym could be alot of fun...for you...LOL

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Donna-lol...thanks for the laugh!

Leesburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh man, speaking of which .... lol ... Joe came out to complain about the contractor work lights I had going one evening and the regular, old fashioned, lazy a'waving back-and-forth sprinkler was going. Just as he stepped up on part of said jungle gym to pop his mousy little head over the fence, the sprinkler was just sweeping his way! It was awesome because I saw it coming and loved watching huim duck and scramble around.

"Tom, could you turn that off for a second, please?"

"Uh, the plants really need the water .... hasn't rained in weeks. Perhaps we just get right to the point."

"It's the lights, Tom. They're keeping my daughter up."

"Good call. Lucky for you I'm about done for the night."

Stuttering, he relunctantly added as he stepped down from the jungle gym, "Uh, thanks."

"No problem, man!"

I looked and saw the sprinkler making its slow and lazy arch back towards the fence. I couldn't resist the urge to add one more thing, "Oh ... and Joe?"

Yeah, you guessed it. He stepped up *just* in time. Somehow containing myself I simply added, "Nevermind, dude. I'll catch up with you over the weekend or something ..."

I'm sorry, I know all this must seem so petty of me. This guy, though, is such a mouse! And a whiney little one at that. He was, without a doubt, probably the most detested person every to sit on the board of our homeowner's association. I am rather glad he lost interest in such things by the time I moved in.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

BogweedBuck, you are a man after my own Irish heart!! That is a memory you will carry with you a long, long time. LOLOL
I am working on my own scenario for a neighbor that plays his drums all the time and feels the need to open his window and share his learning experience... Nothing like a peaceful day in the garden to the sound of this wannabe. I considered pulling out my clarinet from high school & standing by the fence to join in, (my mom offered me her accordian but that is pretty labor intensive & I don't think I can make it squeal) but my husband shakes his head and tells me to call the homeowners assoc. Just seems so, I don't know, boring? LOLOL

Leesburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I agree ... making that call would be a very pedestrian, garden-variety thing to do. Wholly unimaginative to say the very least.

I would start by making a tape of him playing and label it, "This is your son ... a half block away!" (so as to not totally give yourself away, if that's important) If that doesn't produce acceptable results we can begin some real brainstorming.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Are you ready for this? I am out back a bit ago deciding where to start weeding while listening to the melodious tunes of the birds & bees, when BANG, CRASH! It starts in. I tell myself THATS IT! and I head out the front door. I go around the corner and try to dodge the surveillence cameras that surround the house next to the drummer house (he tends to run out to see what you are doing in his cul-de-sac & then chews on your ear about all the injustices done to him until you can escape) and I go up to the drummer house ready to light into someone. I walk past the kitchen window on my way to the door & can hear voices. I ring the bell and this little old woman comes to the kitchen window with a little boy, about 4 yrs old. I ask her if the drumming is coming from her house. She does not understand me so I make the universal motions of playing the drums then plug my ears & grimace, lol, and she says "So Sorry! So Sorry!" several times while pointing to the kid!!! I barely got out of their in time. I laughed the whole way home! My summer long annoyance is a toddler!!!! HARHARHAR I think granny will be keeping him off the drums from now on. What a scream.

Leesburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Darn ..... and I was looking forward to plotting ways of planting various incinderary devices on their propertry, ad infinitum .....

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

LOLOL what a hoot this thread turned out to be, just sitting here snorting (yeah I bet you were too Donna on the walk home) har har har har

just too darn funny!!

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

yeah Bog, while 007 next door gets it all on tape. LOL

You know me too well Laurrie dear. hehehe

Leesburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Naww ..... I would've helped you bypass that as well.

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