Gala Apple Tree Start

Reno, NV

I somehow managed to root a start off a Gala apple tree. It has grown to about 18 inches and has leaves all the way to the end but only one main branch. Does anyone know, or know of a site that tells you how to care and prune tiny trees such as this. I lost the parent tree this winter and would really like to see this guy make it. Thanks in advance for your input.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I would let the little thing grow all it can this year. Let it grow to the heighth you want the branching to start. Then prune the tip. This may take several seasons. Don't take off any small side shoots that develop until the "trunk" has a diameter of about 1 inch. All the side shoots and leaves help the trunk get thicker faster.

I looked for Reno, NV on the USDA Plant Hardiness zone and got:
Unless you are growing this in a pot, it should survive your winters. Some Gala varieties can survive to Zone 3. What happened to the parent tree?

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