Free Compost

Troy, IL(Zone 6a)

I have someone who will give me free compost. Woohoo right!

Question: He says "By the way, it is green."

What exactly does that mean? Does it mean that it needs to cook or does it mean its ready? I am new to this but trying to break up my clay soil and cant find anywhere in my area that sells large quanities of compost.

thanks in advance


Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Anything organic will help with the condition of your soil. Leaves, old straw or hay, grass clippings(ask if they use weed n' feed as it may stay in the grass and leach into the soil for a season or so), gypsum, etc. Till it in if possible, but you can just leave it on top of the ground and sort of due lasanga bed making. Remember the green vs. brown ratio.

Archie, MO(Zone 5b)

What is the green vs brown ratio?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

He might mean it's uncooked. Or he might just mean it's the nitrogen-heavy green compost (as opposed to carbon-heavy like "brown" dried-out stuff).

Lbmoore, we only talk about the green/brown ratio (30:1) in "active" or "hot" composting, where you assemble the pile all at once and get it to heat up rapidly by careful use of browns and greens, aeration, turning and watering. This sort of compost can be ready in two weeks. "Cold" composting is the kind of compost pile you just add stuff to constantly and let sit for a year or so before getting compost. Here's an info site in your area. Scroll down a bit for the ratio info (under the "Active Composting Bins" heading.

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