
Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

My first ever watermelon and I can say it tasted better than any I have gotten in the store, so very sweet. I think it would have used a little longer on the vine and would have been even better.
I have a few more out there some doing very well and a few other small ones not looking good so not sure why some do and others seem to want to rot on one end..These were just seeds my hubby kept throwing in the garden with the tomatoes and peppers..
But I am proud, maybe next year I will try my hand at a few other crops..

Thumbnail by SnowBird56
Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Here it is after we cut it open..

Thumbnail by SnowBird56
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, that looks so delicious! Congrats on your success, and by all means keep up the good work!

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for your kind words...

Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

We grew some yellow and sugar babies this season and they were delicious. Our Cantaloupes were also good.

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

I planted a few sugar babies but this one not sure what it is since my hubby threw all his seeds into the small garden my son cleared to grow a few tomato plants so this was really not planned. Now cantaloupes I have not had any luck with in the past and thought maybe the soil was just too rich. These were just in our typical clay soil here and was very surprised they made it this far and was actually edible..I still have a few more out there so we will see how they do..
Winnie how is things in Celina, you are so close to Cookeville and is nice to see a neighbor on here..

Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

It's all clay soil where we live too. Things are very dry here. It's nice to see someone close by on DG. Well within fortyfive miles.LOL
We swing by there every once in a while coming back fro visiting our daughter in Smithville.
We didn't hav any luck with our melons till last year. We started them inside early.

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Same here..Well I can't say it's dry now, with Katrina coming to Tenn. we even had school closed today so it was nice at least to have a day off. but I brought in my Brugs so they wouldn't get anymore wind dammage..I have been through allot of these hurricanes living in Texas but next thought any would come up this far as a tropical depression..Take care

Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

I think Katrina is on her way out now. We put everything up last night that we thought might blow away.
Are you a teacher?
My husband teaches sixth grade here in Celina.

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

We got lucky just wind but I know they had to be prepared just in case. Nashville has a few trees down and flooding, but I so feel for all the people in the coastal areas, been through a few of those living in Houston over the last 18 years, but non quite as devastating as this one was.
No I am not a teacher, I am a food service manager and it is a real challenge sometimes. we feed about 500 kids a day and I only have 6 employees to do it all. (:

Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

I know it's terrible down there. It hurts just to see all those people. It's great meeting you.. Maybe we can trade some Daylilies and iris someday. My favorite flowers along with Hosta's and Lilies.
Take care

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

It is great to meet you too..I don't have many daylilies, one small yellow and a ditch lily that have spread, but have a ton of reg. unknown variety of purple Iris's. I do love my Hosta's also but the slugs this year have really gotten them and now they don't look so good..but I have a couple that have been in the same spot for almost 7 years but just haven't really known how to split it all up..so afraid I will kill it..
My hubby thinks I go over board but I don't think one can have too many and from the pictures I have seen from others on here mine really look sad...

Take care have to get to bed but tomorrow is Friday and the long weekend awaits...(:


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