I would like to grow a vine on my shady front porch. I have never come across a vine that likes shade!
I need a vine that likes shade.
There are vines that can tolerate shade but not many that bloom in shade...
1. Hydrandgea vines are vines that can tolerate shade and bloom, but they are not evergreen. It clings on it's own and doesn't need staking or tying up...
2. Regular honeysuckle is evergreen and fragrant and can even bloom in partial sun, but can be adapted to shade. I have some growing in full shade. They just don't bloom in full shade...but will bloom a little in partial shade.
3. Regular old ivy works well, if you want something to cling on its own, and it is evergreen. No blooms.
4. Clematis pitcheri can bloom in just three hours of direct sun, and shade the rest of the day...
...not many choices, but at least that is a few...
Which sun direction does your porch face? And, are there any trees, or other things to add to the shade?...
Can you post a picture?
I grow asarina in full shade & it blooms just fine. Actually seems to do better in it. And the plants get realllllllly big. I have it growing on 2 trees, I just put a big loose ring of the stiff green plastic fencing around the trunk and planted the asarina at the base. On my magnolia the fencing did not quite reach the top of the trunk & I am really glad about that now, because my other tree it DID reach the top of the trunk and the vines were able to get up into the branches. The tree is about 30 feet tall & the asarina is probably about 25 ft up into it. But I am not worried because it is not a kudzu type vine & I don't see it "smothering" the tree. I have had it about 3 years now & while the one on the magnolia has never died in the winter cold (probably cuz the magnolia is evergreen and protects it) the one on the other tree does freeze, but it comes back. I won't say from the roots, because the vines that are 25ft up that were black looking when Spring started are green. I grow the light & dark purple and the pinkish rose color. I also have it in another spot but just as a ground cover.
nice Donna!!
The porch faces east and gets morning sun, but the hemlock directly in front of it casts it in shade for all but a few hours.
But digital camera is disabled right now or I'd post a pic! Sorry.
Some choices are better than no choices! I think I like the idea of the honeysuckle. I have never seen an asarina before. Very nice. Thank you for your suggestions!