Poochella's: Starting with purples, my favorites!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I hope this works out okay. A favorite from last year: Camano Choice FD lav, B or BB.

And a link to a side shot. A very lovely deep bloom.

And can someone tell me if there is a way to get more than one photo per post, please.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Blackberry Ripple, great if you like the variegated blooms. Kind of magenta vs purple on white. This is from my main dahlia garden 4-5 ft tall.

And the link is a short little stinker of barely 3 ft, same Blackberry Ripple but in a lower garden with earlier morning and early pm sun only.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

One of my most reliable, productive, well behaved purples: Edinburgh. Excellent cutting flower, kicks out blooms that mature what seems amazingly fast. 4ft bush, about 4 inch blooms.

Very close to Rothsay Reveler in color: identical almost, except Rothsay Reveler has far less white on the petal ends and a bit weaker stems, at least this year.
Link to both of them side by side

Thumbnail by Poochella
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Oh, did you think I was done? NO, there's more, far more LOL.

Tootsie, 4 inch cactus in med. lavender with white tips. You can't see the white tips very well here. Am hoping new blooms will be more dramatic. It is a bit sluggish to kick out flowers.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

one last for now: Mosaic. and old cultivar with that variegation gene! Kind of a pale magenta on white. Must cut it early as centers tend to blow quickly.

I will have to edit that Mosaic behaved so well this year- no blown centers, still blooming as I type. It was in better sun this season and I enjoyed it much more than last year.

This message was edited Oct 31, 2005 7:53 AM

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

oops, I found two more at the ready, both new for me this year.

Lauren michelle a 3ft ( mine is 4) waterlily with the coolest trait of dark purple underpetals and paler purple topsides. Note how each petal seems outlined in darker pigment. Very nice flower.

And here is a link to Koinonia, very similar flower, though smaller and a bit darker in color. The plant is short for me, planted it a bit late and it's not in the best sun, but still cute enough for me.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Wait! Wait! I can't leave out Kari Blue- perhaps one of my all time favorites because of it's unique undertone of bluish/lavender. Lovely cut flower too.4-5 ft tall bush with 5 inch waterlily flowers.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya Poochella,
nice to meet you,

Lovely flowers, really lovely indeed.


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Ah Gee, Poo,
Guess we will have to trade, hint hint!
Love your dahlias so far.
My 'Lauren Michelle' is about 5' tall, so it must vary everywhere.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Just gorgeous, stunning, Annie. Your Edinburgh reminds me of one we have called Wicky Woo. What are some of your sources for tubers? We Oregonians tend to get a lot from Swan Island and so we have some of the same ones. But yours and doss's are so different that I would think you have other suppliers. Have you ever visited Connell's up in the Seatac area?

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Thank you all.
Lenjo, indeed Connell's is a main source, along with Puget Sound Dahlia Association, swaps/trades, Dan's, Sea Tac Gardens, and a few from Swan's at the NW Flower and Garden Show.

Connell's is south of Tacoma- took me about an hour to get there. I visited their gorgeous acreage last year and their show is on right now! Very good reputation with me.

Daisyruffles, I have two Lauren Michelles: one I planted in the "short" row as I saw it labelled 3 ft tall. The second was mislabelled, I think?, as a 5 foot plant so I put it in with the "talls." Sure enough, the short one is about 3.5-4 ft and the tall one has had to stretch to get sun and stands at about 5 feet high. Pretty adaptable plants.

I'll be adding more as time allows.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I want camano choice, I can trade daylilys

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I want camano choice, I can trade daylilys and kari blue, nice to see you here

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

My, you are greedy, lol!
I like the 'Camano Choice' too, Poo.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Beautiful pics, Pooch! Glad you could join us here at DG.

In an earlier post you asked how to load more than one pic at a time. Simply put, you can't. lol They only allow one pic per post.....but you probably already figured that out. ;-)


Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Poochella-no one minds threads of pictures (actually we love them!) You found a good way around not being able to post more than 1 pic per thread.
All of these are incredibly beautiful! I love that Lauren michelle. I know you sent me a tuber labeled Edinburgh (I think), but I either mislabeled it when I planted it or it was mislabeled. But here's a picture of it.

Thumbnail by mvespa
Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

not greedy just joking with poo, but sure would like those lav is my fav color. don't get your carol's mixed up.

Thumbnail by veeja3
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Hi all,
I only have one Camano choice this year, to my dismay, but I will keep a tally of who wants what, but won't trade til next Spring when I am more certain of growable eyes.

Mina, I looked at the list of what I sent you and that gorgeous pink doesn't fit any of them, unless I tossed in an extra because you're so nice! I want it back, what ever it is! LOL The only two I had that would come even close are Otto's Thrill, big flat dinner plate in pink and yellow, or Kidds Climax, but mine was more yellow that that photo.

it's a mystery to me!
Carol and Carol you will get nothing from me if you call me Poo! It has such a nasty ring to it; please call me Pooch , or Annie. I will put you both down for Camano Choice and cross fingers it's a good year for tubers.

More flower posts later, but have to water now, as I don't trust the "showers" forecast will be enough.

Too bad about only one photo per post. You will have to go through a lot of them. Thanks for the tip, mendy and mina.

Annie Poo LOL

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hey, Annie,
Didn't mean to offend you.
I usually look up on the address exchange to get the real person's name and call them that if they haven't posted it. So sorry, just lazy and didn't want to write the whole name.

If you want anything from me as far as tubers, let me know. Thanks for saving me one!


Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

No offense at all taken. I won't send earwigs with your tubers either LOL!

Two more purples, then I'm starting a pink thread:

Impression Fantastico: a super pick up from Lowe's! 2 ft bush with tons of 2-2.5 inch collarettes in rich red toned purple/ white collar. Produced lots of tubers too.

This is Lavender Athalie which just opened and there must be 4-5 blooms nearly fully open at once. It could be one of those blooming fools in my garden!~ I wouldn't call it too lavender though, it looks more toward pink to me, no matter what my camera shows.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Link to Aurwen's Violet: this is a bloom left on the bush too long: It really is a nice deep rich violet. I'll get a better shot on the next bloom.

Finally my Wendy's Place Pom is nearly half open. Looks to be a rich, deep purple. I love the little poms!

And how could I forget Lupin Bernie? It's a variable purple/white, seems to mature to more purple the longer it stays on the plant.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Excuse me while I wipe the drool up from looking at Lupin Bernie. What a knock out. I am such a sucker for those bicolors. Poochella - I would be happy to send some of the one I posted back to you! I am surprised you don't have it, it is gorgeous! That one and Camano Choice are the two doing the best in my garden so far. The unknown by far doing the best though. I looked up pics on google of the 2 you mentioned, and to me the pics don't look like mine.
I am pretty sure that it was labeled Edinburg, cause no dahlias that look like Edinburg bloomed for me, so I guess it was mislabeled. But that's OK, it is far prettier! My only complaint is that the blooms keep opening towards the neighbor's window instead of toward's my house (I don't like those neighbors), so I quickly go out and cut the blooms for bouquets. Here's another shot of the first bloom that was as big as my head!

Thumbnail by mvespa
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I may even have to get a purple one after this. I had purpled myself out but I'm drooling here. Beautiful.
And incase someone hasn't answered your question, the only way to get more than one photo per post is to make a collage in your photo software and send that. But one at a time is much much better. We get to savor each course as it comes along instead of having the salad and dessert all delivered at the same time. :-)

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

My flowers of all kinds seem to always face the wrong way. I even have some sunflowers that face away toward the neighbor in my veg. garden.
I do wish there was a way to get the to turn the right way, lol!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Oh I can't believe I left out my newest all time favorite ( so far) a medium sized unnamed cactus in the grapest purple- like PURPLE PURPLE, not grap Kool Aid dark Purple, but neon- bright- rich, purply purple and I know my camera can't capture its true color well enough. How do I know? Because I've taken about 20 photos of it in all kinds of light/backgrounds. It's fabulous!

I call it Nadine's Purple Cactus because it came from- guess who? Nadine.
Look at the different colors: same plant. One against White and this link on the bush- it looks pink and I assure you it is anything but.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Mvespa: I found one more possibility looking in last year's photos that might be your mystey pink from me. I try to be careful labelling tubers but I am easily capable of making a mistake too.
Do you think it could be Rosella? It is the only other pink with tinge of yellow I ever had. Sure it's not Otto's Thrill?

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Doss: LOL on the savoring each course. Like a fine French restaurant serving meals of dahlias... I wouldn't have a clue how to make a collage, I can barely get them from camera to website!

Mvespa, are you sure it's not Otto's Thrill ? ( As if that's closer to Edinburgh LOL)
here's my Otto- not quite so ruffly as yours, but it does have a little tell tale yellow at the core, you can't really see that in this photo: sometimes different temps/soils/fertilizers/sun can produce very different results in color.

If it's not Rosella, Otto's Thrill, or Kidds Climax I am thinking we must call the "Unsolved Mysteries" man.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Here ya go if I can do it, I know you can

Thumbnail by veeja3
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I wouln't know where to begin veeja! I just use Photobucket and call it a day. Next time I upload from the camera I'll see if there is a "collage" option.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I use paint shop pro. good graphics program for ignorant people like me.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Okay Carol, I found Photostitch on my cannon software but look at what it did! Don't even ask me how this happened:
I am sticking with individual photos or links as I have little time for this computer hooey.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

lovely job pooch, no poo I have enough earwigs

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Hey, the photostitch thing is cool looking. !!

Is the photo a good respresentation of the colors of Lauren Michelle? It and Kari Blue are luminous. (See, I do know big words......)

Thanks to a sweet and wonderful Poochella, I am a member here now. Pretty nice gift, don't ya think.?? Doncha all wish you had a buddy like that? LOL

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Granny! You made it. I was only practicing "what goes around, comes around!" That's right gang: I've spread the word about your welcoming ways. Granny grows wonderful dahlias and has shared many of hers with me freely, along with her wit and wisdom!

I think the Photostitch thing looks like Charles Manson would see a garden! Ewww. I just clicked "merge photos" and that is what happened. Who sang that song Purple Haze? Jimi Hendrix? Good thing I'm not on Jeopardy LOL

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Welcome granny, I am sure you will love it here, I think poochies pic is a piece of art.

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Charles Manson ??? Jimi Hendrix ?? Janis Joplin ?? Now I know how old YOU were in High School ! ! ! !

Wit & Wisdom??? If I'm so smart, how come I don't know when to shut up with the wit thing ??

Hi Veeja !!!

Think I'll go outside and take more photos now....................

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

One more new one opened : April Dawn, opened just in time to get beaten by pretty heavy rains, alas.


I am doing links because the photos are huge and I don't know a code to resize them on this forum. Does anyone have any ideas or advice for resizeing huge photos before posting?

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Very pretty, Annie!
What program do you have for pictures? I use PhotoSuite. You can use My Pictures too.

Hey, see this link for pictures of the NW RU.

You missed a good time plus the gorgeous dahlias!!!!

I wanted so many so have to decide which ones to order now! Had $270 worth marked!


Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Hi Carol,
I have Canon software/cameras and use Photobucket- that's all I know about that whole process.

Unfortunately my camera was set on "gigantic" photo again, so I have to use links to a few that have opened lately.

Here's Kenora Ontario white/lavender incurved cactus about 6inch bloom on a 5 foot plant. This is one that I gave another chance this year in better sun. Last year was spindly and only 3 blooms, this year better flowers, better color. Guess I should chop down a couple trees to get another hour of sun in this garden!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Lilac Time opened- a gift from Granny Marsh. It had 4 huge blooms open at once and stems like broomsticks supported them all through a horrible heavy rain late yesterday.

Thumbnail by Poochella

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