This might be of interest to those who...

This might be on interest to those who garden in California and have stray or feral cats frequenting their property. I have been a proponent of humanely destroying feral cats for a very long time. It's no secret that I get very upset when they eat the wildlife that comes to my property or dig up flower beds creating their own personal litter boxes here there and everywhere. It's also no secret that I have an even greater concern for the many public health issues associated with stray and feral cats. I have also been a proponent of maintaing all cats as household pets for the health and well being of the animal as well as for humans. I do not hate cats, I have 7 spayed or neutered indoor only cats that were all from local animal shelters. I just ran across this Health Department Warning-

Scary, very scary.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Im sure you did already but if not you should post this in the pet forum

Hey Caren,

I don't frequent that forum but please feel free to share this link by posting it over there.


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