Centrosema-(rare) pure white

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

This is a very celebrated bloom of a pure white centrosema. I had traded for it years ago, and have been anticipating the blooms for quite some time now...

I only had three seeds and treated them like a national treasure! lol...

One of the three bloomed the other day and was purple. I was really disappointed, but hopeful the next two would be white.
Well...the next one was also purple. Not even the big purple like the centro V., but a tiny purple. I had one left...

Today!!! It fully opened the most glittery beautiful white! It has a very faint watercolor or whitewashed eye, colored in a pretty pale yellow and pink, that is only noticeable VERY close up...

Unfortunately in my haste and impatience, I tried to "force" the bloom open yesterday to take a peek, and the petals are now showing the bruising...(those clear spot damage marks...)

I am just truly excited about this one today! And, so relieved one finally opened WHITE!

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Willoughby, OH(Zone 5a)

Oh is that BEAUTIFUL! How big is the bloom?

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Yeah!!! Taylor, so glad to see you got a white one, now I would rip out the others and just keep this one to set you lots of seed LOL

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Congratulations Tyler !! it looks like the wait was worth it.

From afar it looks like Cinderella's dress she wore to the bancy fall.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

I see what your talking about in the eye. When I look at the enlarged picture I am noticing it.
Your "nose" seems a bit more compact & rufflier then mine did, (don't know what else to call that protuberance on the top that the pollen is under so I have always called it a nose. ) but you had said the flower was smaller so that may be why. I don't know if I showed you this pic yet, but I will post it for your comparison. Sure hope your gonna get your paintbrush out & stick it up your "nose", HAR
these are the ones that have the rounder leaf and the flowers are bigger then the clitoria flowers.

Thumbnail by PudgyMudpies
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

If you can remember, I would LOVE to have any of these types of seeds that you get. Especially your Centrosema-(rare) pure white. How Beautiful!

Got your 'Cruel Seeds' yesterday. THANKS!
I can see that my work is cut out for me when I do try to plant all of this species that I can get. These seeds don't look at all like any that I've received, which have been the 'bean type' seeds.

Donna, Yours are just STUNNING.
If you get seeds, I'd love a few if you have enough to share.
I have BUNCHES of neat seeds to share - especially Japanese MG's.


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Sorry to say, this pic was from 3 years ago. The white did not come back last year or this year. Only the purple did. :~(
And I have never gotten any seeds from the centrosema, odd too, they get visitors!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'd say it is about the size of a clitoria bloom, or just bigger than a quarter...

Laurrie-yes, definitely "wish me" seeds!

Patricia-yes, it was worth it, and sometimes hard to be patient! lol...

Gerris2-I like that! lol...great description.

Donna-"Stick it up my nose"?? lol...that sounds painful! haha...I may just leave it to the carpenters...there are pods on my other ones right now(let's hope they don't drop off) and so I figure the insects will do a better job than me. I've damaged the bloom, already...I looked very closely at your white and I can see the yellow eye. I don't see the pink but it is so faint, it just might not have shown up in your photo...
Have you ever dug around where you origianlly put your white ones, to see if the stringy tubers are still there? Maybe they just didn't come up, like some of my other purple ones did(didn't)...

Emma-I thought I actually had shared some with you, but maybe not...I'll certainly remember all my friends, if blessed with seeds! Besides...I got these from "you know who" and I'm sure he'd be more than happy to send you some, since you two are such good friends...I've been very curious to see if he's gotten any more this year, but he seems to talk to you more than me, so...In the end we'll all probably be asking YOU for seeds, lol...

Yes, the cruel vine seeds are very much like milkweed seeds. They are nothing like any type of bean or pea seed.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Mine did not have the pinkish markings, they were pure white with the yellow eye. What happened with mine, remember the pic I sent you of both colors in the pot? Well, the following year they were both dead looking. So when I put them in the ground, I seperated the root ball and planted then at opposite ends of the planter. The purple came back but the white never did. And it did not come back last year or this year. So I think its a goner. :~(
I did not dig around because I have other stuff planted in with it & I did not want to disturb their roots. I took the "if it comes back fine" approach. LOL

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Donna-Just went out and looked at the white bloom again...the sun has hit it, and the "nose" is no longer "scrunched". I think I just took the picture before it was fully opened...

Also, the colored eye is bleached out from the sun and there is barely any color to it, anymore...

I think our whites were very similar, just that you may have taken that picture of yours later in the day, than I did mine...

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

That is just gorgeous! Like an alabaster ghoddess!

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

what a beauty that is!!!!

okay is there anywhere i can see what this seed looks like either color???

i picked some but want to be sure of what i am picking?? i am trying to get any color plant of this but feel like i picked the wrong thing. thanks marie

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Look further up this thread...Pudgymudpies posted a picture of both the white and the purple side by side...
hope this helps

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i was asking what the Seeds looked like???

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

The seeds look like little tiny beans. They are inside of a long, thin blade of a greenbean type pod.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

RE: seeds on the wild blue ones. There is a whitish line down one side. They're a dull brownish color and a little rough. Kinda the shape of rat droppings. :-#

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