3 Rooted Cuttings... Red Rocket Crape Mrytle

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I bought a Red Rocket Crape Mrytle in a 5 gallon container. I was examining it prior to planting and found that my one Red Rocket is really 3 separate plants in 1 pot. Unfortunately by the time I bought it, the roots had meshed together. Ideally, I would like to have single trunked trees. Would the crape mrytle survive if I took a knife and cut the root ball in 3? Would I have better success in keeping them alive by manually separating as many roots as possible? Am I stuck with a 3 trunked tree?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I have cut and separated them before. I think they will be OK. Good luck. Cindy

Springville, AL(Zone 7a)

They seem to be VERY hardy plants... I think they would be fine. My Rottie dug one of mine up.... I looked for it for 3 days... when I finally found it in his **STASH PILE** it was dry as a bone and NO dirt on it at all... I potted it , watered it good and it now has lil green leaves popping out everywhere...so if mine could survive that....yours should make it thru dividing...lol

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

yes veronica. I divided one plant in three of cm Pepperming Lace and all three growing great. Two are about the same size and third is a little bit shorter. Also training as single trunk trees. get a little top heavy but I have them staked

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Are you maybe saying you don't really want the 2 extra branches? Or will they even have roots after you divide them? I would be interested in even one or better yet both of them so I can share with our DIL if you want to get rid of them and they have roots.

Chickamauga, GA(Zone 7a)

I have a red rocket crepe too, just got it this summer and I LOVE IT!!! I was wondering about starting new plants from a cutting but dont know how to go about doing that...any body out there willing to give advice?

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