big patio containers

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Have four. Small trees in the center with colorful fillers to create "color echoes" of sorts. This one has a ruby red grapefruit in the center, with Ipomea Blackie and complementing coleus, except vine has taken over!

This message was edited Aug 25, 2005 12:51 PM

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

this one has a navel orange in the center, with Ipomea Marguerite and complementing coleus, which has also been overtaken by the vine

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

third one had a yucca in the center but it rotted (not too upset as I really wanted to put another citrus). Has Ipomea Bronze Beauty, coleus, purple wandering jew and purple gomprena. Also swallowed by vine.

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

last one has a yucca in the center. Surrounded by white vinca, green/white trasdescantia, trasdescantia blushing bride, and Ipomea tricolor, that I found late in the season and that is why it hasn't taken over the entire pot.

Thumbnail by vossner
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

voss, very interesting container combinations...and very pretty pool and patio, too!

I saw this pot at an Ohio nursery this week and it reminded me a little of your flora in Texas...

Happy gardening. t.

Thumbnail by tabasco
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

yup, that would be a texan kinda thang

Mifflintown, PA(Zone 6a)

Voss very nice. How can you have them so close your pool? No kids? I Have to many grandchildren for that close the pool. dixie

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

no kids. two stepsons in the 20s doing their thing. But planters weren't a problem when they were in the house. Except for the one time when they had a so-called friend, that we asked to leave because DH found him smoking pot in our property and we strongly disapprove. He was annoyed tha we booted him, so a couple of nights later he dumped auto oil in the pool and one of the planters. Cost about $1500 to undo the damage. We didn't see him do it but word is that he was bragging to friends. Well, that is history and today that young man in in jail for other transgressions. He's paying one way or another.

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Nery,

Love that Ipomea Blackie! Can ya send me a few cippings? I can trade you for some Blue Shrimp plants seeds that I've just collected from my plant. The seeds were falling off already (it makes lots of seeds) and loves the sun. It has a drooping habit; so I staked mine up, and the bees love it.

This is a picture I took just today.

~* Robin

Thumbnail by NatureWalker
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

robin, I would happily share w/ you but this plant DOES NOT like to travel. May I suggest that I root some, then send the rooted cuttings. Leaves will arrive dead, but I'm sure the rooted part will be strong enough and with TLC it can grow for you. Also a tuber would do, if I find one I can send to you for postage.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Beautiful yard, Nery! It looks like a park behind the pool.

Robin your Blue Shrimp looks very lucious. Do you have any extra seeds to trade??
:) Donna

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

thank you!

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Nery,

Thank you very much for such a wonderful gift; it was so nice of you!
PerennialGirl, check Dmail

~* Robin

Broaddus, TX(Zone 8b)

Dear Vosser, Richmond, TX, Zone 9a
I'm in Zone 8b below you a bit. You have an amazing creativity for Container gardening. All your pics are simply lovely.
I am a Senior and can more easily care for plants in containers. Also, Vosser I have Armydillers that root deep holes in my yard. They don't bother my bigcontainers! I Can more successfully control Fireants, too. I can change my landscape any time with plants in containers. he he he
I move them inside my greenhouse when heavy freeze is forcasted. We don't have low temps. that often here.
So sad you had such an unfortunate experience with the teenager. When one is on "dope" they are very unpredictable and very dangerous. Fortunately, you suffered only once with this young man.
Continue to incourage your step-sons about the danger of experimenting with very deadly!
Again, thanks for great information.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Sudie, what a sweet, sweet note. I hereby appoint you container gardening spokesperson, LOL. Your reasons are the very ones I have for gardening this way. I, too, have had armadillos absolutely destroy an area, beyond repair.

About the kids, while it most definitely did not feel that way at the time, both have grown out of that horrendous stage. Oldest one graduated from college and has a very good job in Denver, the young one is getting ready to join the military. I am close to him and we see him often. If somebody could have convinced me that the teenage years were a temporary nightmare, I wouldn't have so many gray hairs. But, TG for Miss Clairol LOL

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

vossner, lovely plantings in great looking large pots. Your pool and the surrounding lawn and tree area is beautiful.


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

thank you. it is a great place to eat my oatmeal, watch my silly dog and cat, butterflies, hummers, and thank God for my life.

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