Raptor Decline

New Paris, OH

Anyone else notice a decline in their raptors this year? So far we haven't lost any chickens to them and really haven't seen many. We used to have several hawks-red tailed, rough legged and harriers. Last year there were more than ever and this year it is rare to see any big birds other than the buzzards (one of my favorite birds, what great fliers!!!)

The other thing I notice is that we have had a rat, mole and bunny explosion. It is really too much for the cats and dog to keep up with. Could use some hawks or falcons around.

Agawam, MA

Hi Ohiorg,
We too have noticed the decline of our raptors. Every year we have several families of Red-shouldered hawks, but this year we have found several nests abandoned and have only spotted one fledgling. We have more crows than usual, we're hoping that it is just a temporary fight for territory. We sure miss them!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Seems like ours have declined, also. We used to have a young bald eagle (feathers just turned white last year) around here, too, but haven't seen it for several months. And we seem to be having a bunny and ground squirl population explosion - or at least it looks that was if you're counting the road kill. Maybe it's the weird weather?

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Been a decline here also! We were seeing quite a bit of hawks here in the past several years -( Have a lot of bird-scaping and feeders and the hawks were always around going after the little birds ) This year how-ever, We'd be pushing it to say we see them only about 3 times a week - Seems also that there are more rabbits and squirrels and woodchucks around!

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Not noticing a decline in that or carnivor population. 3 weeks ago I came around the corner and theres a redtail hawk eatting one of my guinea hens.I ran around and put Mylar tape up all over and now I see him in but seems to avoid our property,Two weeks ago ,my husband saw a bald eagle on the road eating some road kill,and this week a fox killed my peahen that had hatched out 5 babies ,and something got 3 chickens and 2 muscovey ducks.Thats just this week.Can't wait for next week.

Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

Alot of our birds of prey are being illegally and "accidently" shot by hunters. They are also dying off due to much contamination in our water systems that is poisoning the fish and in turn poisoning the birds of prey

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