Casting and Water curing Leaves ....

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Number one rule ........

Wear eye protection and an appropriate particle dust mask when handling dry ingredients"

Number 2 rule ............

Always wear rubber gloves and protect exposed skin when working with any formula of concrete including 'tufa.

The lime in the cement is caustic. Even while handling green ware.

Leaf "castings" are easy if you start smaller until you get the feel for it.

In a recipe the PC is usually the first number and 1 to 3 pts play sand is a good mix.

Depending on the size and weight of the leaf , anywhere from 2 to 7 days curing , misted & covered with plastic.

Cool damp curing makes a strong cast leaf.

When you feel its set-up enough to safely move to the water container , do so.

It can stay in water indefinitely as it will keep getting stronger every day.

When you take it out of the water bath brush with a soft brush to remove the slime.

Put it on the ground with a couple sticks or something under it for air circulation a shady place to dry out slowly
sprinkling it once in a while ,,, it can finish drying .

Then you can do what you want with it

This message was edited Aug 25, 2005 12:27 PM

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