Low-e Glass - OK for Plants?

Spring Branch, TX(Zone 8a)

Short: Can low-e glass be used in greenhouse-like buildings without adverse affect on plants?

Long: We are designing a "house" for our plants. We have come across some really good deals on a bunch of windows at our local hardware store. They are rather big and good deals and they all have low-e glass. Is that going to be a problem? We live in South Central Texas (north of San Antonio) where we are primarily concerned about burning up rather than freezing. We use low-e glass in our houses and other out buildings in "these here parts", but we do not grow plants in any of them so I do not know if the low-e glass will present any kind of a challenge for the plants. Some greenhouse supply places do offer low-e glass as an option, so I kind of assumed it would be OK. But I thought I would check with the experts.
Anyone have low-e glass in their greenhouse or building or sunroom or anywhere else and grow thriving, happy plants? I look forward to hearing from y'all on this.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

The only thing the Low E cuts is the heat. SO if you want a greenhouse for warmth it might be lacking but otherwise I think ok

Wakefield, MA

Low E glass block many of the light rays for plant production. Not recomennded by Greenhouse manufactures Assoc.

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