Rust on Hollyhocks

Langley, Canada(Zone 8a)

Does anyone know a natural recipe to get rid of rust on my Hollyhocks and Malva?
I have heard of using Sulfur but I worry about it going into the soil. Any recommendations?
Thank you for any help!

New Paris, OH

I have read to cut away all infected foliage and burn it (Don't compost it!) You have to do this pretty early in the season for it to be effective. Compost tea may help. If you try sulfer do a test first to make sure you don't burn the plants-sulfer is caustic.

The rust doesn't seem to kill the plants but it does weaken them. I have it all over many of my red hollyhocks.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Mix up chamomile tea with some dish soap, about a 1/4 cup soap to a quart of tea, and spray on. this has to be done over everytime it rains and at least once a week, but it does really help. Also good for black spot and mildew.

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