The 'Lowly' Marigold

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I almost hate to admit it but I have grown marigolds the last couple of years. They are incredibly easy. Growing marigolds seems like only something someone inexperienced would raise in my prejudiced way of thinking. But you know I am rethinking that idea. I grew a series called Disco mixed from Stokes and they have been incredibly beautiful. So easy, so reliable. I have a row all along the south side of my house. I was trying to coordinate with the color of my house which is red. And you know it worked. So I shouldn't give the marigold a bum rap. Have you grown any particular varieties you would recommend?

(Zone 1)

I like Tagetes tenuifolia Golden Gem . They have small flowers on thin leaved marigolds. I also like this really bright almost fluorescent orange french marigold that someone gave me seeds of. Marigolds get a bad rap but they are real pretty I think and they are tolerant of alot of abuse.

Included pic of Golden Gem

Thumbnail by westocast73
Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I agree westocast73 that marigolds get a bad rap but indeed they are such a great plant. I have had those gem marigolds before too and they are wonderful.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

I have fallen in love with marigolds. They are such troopers! Rain, sun, heat, bugs they just laugh at it!! i am amazed at the different ones too, not the plain Janes you get at the garden center. Many will find a spot in next years garden.

Thumbnail by luvsgrtdanes
Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

luvgrtdanes, have you ever seen Stokes Seeds? I think you would really love them because you can order different size packets and they are really reasonable. And they fill their orders very quickly too.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

You are so right, Lenjo! I've come to love the simpler, single marigolds... such as the Disco Mix.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

The gem marigolds are some of my favorites, as well. They have wonderfully airy, fragrant foliage, and they bloom all summer prolifically.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I definitely reverting back to the simpler too. I am getting tired so I am moving some things out. My mother used to raise a petunia that would self seed and it was was usually, the pink, fuschia tones. I don't have the foggiest what it was but it didn't ever seem to get leggy like the hybrids of today.
And I much prefer a single hollyhock and there are some lovely single roses. But then I don't care for single dahlias. MMmmm. Now you got me thinking. Joann

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

I love my Marigolds. I grow lots of unusual stuff, but I always have to have a few of those in there, too. Short, tall, single double... they are all gorgeous and trouble free.

Speaking of which, I was thinking of saving some seeds. Will the big double ones cross pollinate with the dwarf singles? I would hate to have huge rangy plants with little tiny blooms, unless of course there were lots of them!

(Zone 1)

Zarebeth you could even get a cross from a neighbours marigold. The only way to tell is to grow it and see but I find marigolds tend to not cross as much as other annuals cause they have so many flowers on the one plant they pollinate each other before anything else does.This of course is no guarentee that will be the case. Also even if you do get some crosses chances are you will also get more pure ones than crosses and you should be able to get enough pure ones for your garden if you dont like the crosses. I start mine indoors and tend to get a bloom or two before they go out so in my case I could tell easy enough if I got a cross before its in my yard. If the case is the same for you than you shouldnt have trouble provided your Marigolds werent hybrids to begin with. =P

P.S. The pot in the picture above is now dead. I left it on my patio rail last night and the wind blew it off and it smashed. =( I have Golden Gem in my yard so will save seeds for next year but I really liked that pot. The plant had become bushier at the top and looked almost like a mini tree. ah well always next year.

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

Well, if I do end up with crosses it should be interesting... I have giants in yellow and orange, French Vanilla, and Snowdrift, and for the little guys I have Scarlet Starlet (red single), Jaguar (yellow single with red spots), some French seeds I got from last year's crop, and some Queen Sophia (russet edged in gold).

I am hooked. Guess I will be looking for some more unusual varieties this year! Anyone got any hints on who has the best selections?

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Zarabeth, I love Stokes seeds, I keep pushing them. They have a website, you have to register I believe to look further than their homepage. Good Luck.

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

Going right now! *mutters to self - usually I can wait until January before I start buying seeds.... this is going to be a LONG winter*

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Don't forget the taller singles, such as Harlequin. It's an heirloom variety & should return fairly true to the parent plant.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

I like them in all sizes! I am thinking they may be the only thing that will grow by my mailboxes. How does salt affect them? Not putting salt on them, of course, but being by the street the road salt from winter will get into the soil. I cover it with plastic, but still... nothing seems to be doing very well there for the last three years...

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)


If you'd like to wait on them........

I'll be having some seeds of this soon; _mine are 18" to 28" tall_
Marigold 'Eskimo' (Tagetes erecta)

I also have some of these: Marigold: French 'Harmony' (Tagetes patula)

~* Robin

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Carol, wow, I love that Harlequin. Reminds me of a beach umbrella.

I also have lots of seed from the Disco Mix if anyone wants any I would be happy to send. This is the only variety I raised this year but I do have lots of Maltese Cross seeds. It is a perenniel called lychnis chaldeconia.

Naturewalker if you have plenty I would love the Eskimo seeds too.
The Harmony is really pretty too.

The Gem is great too.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I also like the red gem types.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
(Zone 1)

The ones you have in your pic above this post are the ones I plant in an area of my garden that floods and they tolerate it so well. When it rains or tides come up high (live at sea level on an island) that area floods and when it doesnt rain or real high tides its dry as a bone from sun and it tolerates it all so well. Has even re-seeded it self and is no a big 3 by 3 foot bushy sections of marigolds. Really does a great job of filling in a very difficult patch of garden.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Are you referring to the red gems, westocast? I'd be interested in knowing, as I live in a coastal town and have plant customers who live near salt spray.

(Zone 1)

Yes I believed it to be Red Gem. The seeds came from a friend though and werent labeled. Though afterwards I looked and they arent as similar as I think. I will take a pic to compare as I dont really remember. Loaded up on meds for my flu so cant really think straight at the moment. They do get tidal water though which is Brackish. Island is in a river right at the mouth into the ocean so its not ocean water but brackish. Also it gets soap water from a cracked pipe and tolerates that too. I have nicknamed it my swamp marigold =)

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Lenjo, I have been drooling over the ones stokes has!! I have so many marked.
NatureWalker the eskomos is so nice, and the harmony is on my wish list (hint hint!)
I am savings seeds from solan if anyone wants some.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

luvgrtdanes, I would be happy to trade some Solan for some disco mix.

(Zone 1)

Here it is. I didnt get a great photo. I think though it isnt Red Gem. As it isnt really a single. Hope that helps.

Thumbnail by westocast73
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, I think you are right, westocast. It isn't red gem, but it is a very pretty marigold. Be sure to save seeds.

Thornton, IL

Westocast, its me again! Love your marigolds.
I was dismayed to read about your pot , and that you're sick with flue. And now this squirrel fiasco. Grrr. :P
Seems you're having a mini run of bad luck! Since bad luck comes in three's, that's it! Your'e done!
Hope you feel better soon...

(Zone 1)

Thanks. Turned out to be Bronchitis and the pot broke cause I forgot I put it on the rail and it tends to be windy in the mornings. Also the squirrels came back today and ate two more sunflowers so unless that still counts as the third. My bronchitis is clearing up which is good cause I have to help my brother move today. Anyways now to say something about marigolds to make this post relevant. I like marigolds =D .

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Alright you guys...KNOCK IT OFF!!! LOL! You have some beauties there!!!

Your French Harmony did nicely, here, Robin, and I am sooooo looking forward to the Eskimo next season ~:-). I have been saving seed heads for you since our last "conversation". Have lots of the VERY tall ones for you. I tried to separate out the ones I think are the Mexican Mints. I took numerous photos for you, but then I left them at work - DRAT! You will decidedly have more than you can possible use! LOL! I also have another real beauty that popped up this morning, but alas - the camera's at work with the diskettes!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I think this is the Mexican Mint Marigold.

Thumbnail by Sequee
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Here's close-up of the flower.

Thumbnail by Sequee
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Here's one of my favorites so far this year!

Thumbnail by Sequee
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Sequee, do you know the botanical name of your Mexican Mint Marigolds?

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

I love these - I will be buying seeds next year just in case the saved seeds don't come true. I believe it is called "Jaguar".

Thumbnail by Zarebeth
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Oh, those are so pretty. I had those the year before last - before I realized you could save seeds. LOL! Good ole Martha Stewart French Marigold "Jaguar"! They were great at keeping the bugs away. Alas, I didn't realize that only the French Marigolds do that trick and planted regular marigolds this year instead - what a difference!

No, I don't, weezi. Robin does, though, so maybe she'll pop by and enlighten us. I know they are in the plant files, though. She sent me a link once. I'll see if I can find them!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Ok, found it - Tagetes lucida.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Do you already have it? Need some seeds???

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

No, don't have this one, Sequee. It would be worth a try!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

YAY!!! I'll send you a list of some of the others I have, too. Just in case...

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

OK, we'll work on a winter trade by email!

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