
Richmond, MI(Zone 5a)

i heard if u put used cat litter in their tunlesis will chase them awy. worth a try.

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

I've never tried that. Although I imagine they don't go very far. I have been finding a series of tunnels recently and have spent my time stabbing along with the pitchfork hoping to impale the culprit. No luck that I know of

One of the girls I work with bought one of those impaling traps on ebay after several months of unsuccessful things she'd read about... moth balls etc.. She killed her problem in less than a week with the trap she bought.

I'm gonna have to break down and buy one.


I can remember my grandfather once saying with a heavy hearted sigh as he surveyed his yard from the porch.... we've been blessed by, for some reason it stuck wtih me and I think of it a lot while I'm stabbing with my pitchfork.

Richmond, MI(Zone 5a)

moles can hear or feel the viberations of some one walking so you are not going to get them with a fork

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

They also make new tunnels if their old ones are blocked off. Actually they make holes all over because that's the way they find food. They don't really bother plants, but they can make really ugly trails in the garden. It's the voles and the gophers you really have to worry about.

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

Between the kids and the animals my yard should be "vibrating" all the time, you'd think that would be enough to drive them off.

~Julie =0)

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Castor beans will repel them. Grind some seeds in a coffee grinder-be sure to wash it really well-and pour them down the hole. Next year plant garlic and castor beans in all of your beds to repel them.

The sound of a lawn mower over the runs with the tire on the runs mashing them down helps too. They do seem to like peace and quiet. I've thrown firecrackers down the holes with some success too.

Richmond, MI(Zone 5a)

let's send the moles to another part of the world. far far away
we can be the piper guy who plays the flute?

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