Hyacinth bean not flowering

Boise, ID(Zone 7a)

This is my first year growing purple hyacinth bean in Maryland. In Idaho, they flowered early in the summer and had beans long before now. This is a new bed that has very fertile soil, great drainage, full sun. TONS of growth (the photo is 3 plants) but no flowers. Any ideas? Am I just being impatient?


Thumbnail by cmarlow41
Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Just my 2 cents......I grow this vine too, and mine is a huge cascade of blossoms (no nanny-boo-boo, I swear!). Mine's in a full sun bed, given lots of water (in w/roses, azalea and hibiscus) and fed the same as its bed mates.......Miracid treatments w/Azalea & rose granules. Maybe yours just needs to be fed more?

OR, it may just be resting too......mine bloomed in the late spring, then stopped. The vine took off, much like yours seems in the pic, then finally bloomed again in mid-late July and hasn't stopped since. But, then again, it could again be my watering schedule.....July/August here is wiltingly hot--literally!

Good luck!


Upton, MA(Zone 5b)

This is my first year to grow this in MA and it is just beginning to bloom -- huge vines and very healthy but no flowers until now. There appear to be many buds and consensus among more experienced New Englanders is that late August/September is the normal time for it to bloom here. I was surprised there were no flowers until now -- hope it makes up for lateness with exuberance!

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Yeap sounds like you guys have it figured out. Due to the lower temps, the plant is probably using the sun's clock to trigger flowering. Meaning that many plants won't bloom until the days start getting much shorter. I know from growing indoors in hydroponics that many many annuals will not flower when I have the lights on for15-18 hours a day. When I turned the lights back to only 12 hours a day, everything began to bloom in no time at all.
I don't mean to brag but ours are blooming every where and I have several seed pods ready to pick. This is my 1st year growing it too and I like it. My wife is head over heels in love with it and has enormously crazy plans for it next year!LOL Before we began growing it, she had no interest in it at all until just the last 2 months. Fickle lady for sure but she's a keeper!
Good luck;)

Boise, ID(Zone 7a)

Well I got my first flowers and small pods last week. Guess it was just patience. The hummers like flitting in and around the vines. If the amount of vines, buds, and flowers are any indication, I can plant a living fence around my acreage next year and it should look like Sleeping Beauty's castle by the end of summer! (JD-Hope I didn't give your wife any ideas!)


White lk, MI(Zone 5a)

They bloom well for me in Mi. about the end of Aug. The hummers here love them. I do nothing special, just put them in a pot of soil from the garden and let them alone in Partial shade.

Thumbnail by SandyD

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