Black Datura

Lakeland, FL

Okay Folks, Here is a picture of the only bloom so far on my Black Datura. All of a sudden the crazy thing decided to grow and make a bloom. I hope more follow. Corky

Thumbnail by corky59
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Corky, I've never heard of a Black Datura, maybe it is a Black Current Swirl??? When the bloom opens you will know for sure, see the recent threads.


Lakeland, FL

Well, The black dat is the whitest datura ya ever saw. It was labeled black, I ordered black and I got white. Ya reckon the shipper was color blind? rofl

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Did you take a picture to post? We would like to see it anyway. But I know what you mean I order a bunch of Brugs and they aren't what they are labeled.


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