Datura 'Lilac LeFleur'

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

Hello All.

I thought I'd share a pic of the Datura 'Lilac LeFleur' flowers that are gracing my yard now, thanks to the kindness of RikerBear in sharing his seeds with me last fall.


Thumbnail by ErickMN
Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

Look OUT, Erik....boy are YOU going to have seeds to share...

bwaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa... :-)

Fountain, FL(Zone 8a)

That is sooo pretty!! If you need to get rid of seeds let me know. :-)))

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

That is georgous! I would love to send a SASE your way, let me know if you decide to share seeds.
Sheila in FW

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Erick do you want to swap some seeds? I have some ready of this d. stramonium and d. wrightii?


St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

sbarr, I sure hope s!. The plant is huge and must have at least fifty green seed pods on it right now. Now it just needs some time for them to ripen before our first frost.

Thank you Ginger_H and Sheila. I would be delighted to share some seeds with you. None of the seed pods are yet even beginning to ripen, but I hope to see that soon. I will drop you both an e-mail when they are ready.

Laurrie, I would very much like to swap some seeds when the Lilac LeFleurs are ready. I have two different single white Datura's blooming up a storm in my gardens now. One forms a HUGE bush with HUGE white flowers. The other forms a more moderate size bush, with slightly smaller and more tubular white flowers. Is there an easy way for me to identify which type/species they are?


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Erick, sounds like the HUGE one perhaps could be d. inoxia or d. wrightti, do you have pics? Could be pretty easy to say probably with bloom and leaf photos :)

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

The flower is beautiful, but what does it smell like?

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)


We're neighbors! Unfortunately, we can't detect a fragrance. If it has one, it is very light.


St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)


I'll work to get some pics of both types on here. I appreciate your offer to help identify them.


St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

Ok, I've taken the pictures.

Here are the two flowers, side by side.

Thumbnail by ErickMN
St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

And the larger flower, on the plant.

Thumbnail by ErickMN
St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

Finally, the smaller flower on the plant.

I'm very curious to know what types of Daturas I have here.

They have a noticeably different fragrance.

The larger-flowered type tends to form a huge, mounded bush. The smaller-flowered type tends to form a spreading flatter shelf.

Thank you for any thoughts you may have on their identities.


Thumbnail by ErickMN
Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

OK I think the small blooming one to be: datura metel belle blanche (99.9% certain on this one)
and the large flowered one to be datura inoxia species. If you type in a search window for these species, you might be better to judge them since you are right there to look at your plants.

I think your first photo is also d. stramonium Lilac le fleur, I have a stramonium variety that doesn't have as much color in center :)

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)


Wow, thank you! I did some searching on the web, and I believe you are correct. How interesting! You have solved a curiosity I've had for a long time. Thank you again!

I will, of course, send you any seeds that you would like as soon as I have them available.



Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Erick, you are most welcome, see on these forums, just ask and someone will eventually come along to try and help out in any way they can!!! I was just glad to help as I "figured" I could guess since I've been growing and studying them for nerly 10 years or so. :)

I will delight in a seed swap with you later in the fall when they all start to ripen, mine are still green here except for my stramonium variety, inoxia will be next here for me to pick.

have a great week

ps - here is my d. discolor from before, dont' have photos yet of it this year, need to get on the ball, I love the sheen these have and the smell is simply out of this world, I think discolor and wrightii have the BEST scent of them all :)

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

this is a strange one for me this year, single white with button center, could be a cross or a gene mess, but I do love it, scent is nice, not like some I've got, but simply put "it's a beauty", got in pot next to front door.

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)


How interesting to "chat" with you, a true Datura fan and expert! I love the genus and hope to learn more about them in the coming years. The discolor and "button center" pictures are gorgeous! Congratulations! Now I am more interested in Daturas than ever...

Please keep in touch. I look forward to swapping seeds with you soon. You are welcome to whatever I have, and I will be thrilled with whatever you have to share.

You have a good week too, and all the best to you.


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks Erick, I am not an expert by any means, just adore growing them and those were just things I have observed while enjoying my hobby :)

I love to trade seeds I have grown d. stramonium like yours, but when I try crosses, I like to try it with different "seeds" from different people, instead of the same ones I have here. Adds variety to the mix!!

I am glad someone else is hooked on daturas!! They really are a fascinating plant to grow, someday I think more people will grow them with the variety that is out there now!

I will keep in touch as my seeds ripen to share :)

Kittrell, NC(Zone 7b)

You are going to have more seeds that you will know what to do with!! And look out cause next year they will be babies everywhere!! I pulled mine up last year and threw them in my husbands garden. He like to have killed me cause he can't kill them. They took over his garden!!

This message was edited Aug 26, 2005 6:31 AM

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

meag848, but that is the point!! lots of babies. I can understand your hubby getting upset if they took over his garden, but here on my 2 acres, I can plant the whole perimeter of my property and never complain about them taking over. I just the the scent of them as well as the colorful display when they are planted n a nice long row for example, just knock your socks off!

Kittrell, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm just saying watch out!!:-) I now have them coming up in the back yard, on the sides of our house, in the front yard, across the street!!Just watch out!! I have an acre and boy is it trying to take over!!LOL

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