Anyone know what this one is?

Mesilla Park, NM

I planted a pack of Cruel Vine seeds from a trade. But I cannot find this flower.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

Here's a photo of one of the pods. Thanks for any help.


Thumbnail by Gourd
Capistrano Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

clitoria vine

Mesilla Park, NM

Thanks naien,

The leaves on this one are oblong and tri-leaved (if that is a word).. The flower does look like a clitoria, but the leaves are quite different. Maybe that is what it is. Let me check them out.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Looks like Centrosema Virginianum to me. :~)

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

You beat me to it PudgyMudpies,
I was looking for a link.
There are several types with different names,
and I'm going to study them one of these days.
To me they look the same, but obviously are not.
They are natives where I live and are blooming now.
Also, they are much smaller than Clitoria ternata

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

LOL Emma, we were on the same track. :~)
One of my favorite pics I took is last years with a visiting Carpenter Bee.
Just pushed that big "nose" right up & crawled under. LOL

Does anyone grow the white Centrosema?

Thumbnail by PudgyMudpies
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I have the same vine as Donna above, and it's leaves looks just like hers, too.

I received them in trade as centrosema virginiana.

Yours is definitely a centrosema, but maybe just not the virginiana part...

I'll try and help the find the "other part", out, lol...

How is your hubby recovering? You've been on my mind...

Mesilla Park, NM

Dee, that's it.. it looks just like that. You know now that it is cooling some here, my snail vines have at least a dozen or more pods, it is crazy, and my MG's have nothing.. the pods keep falling off. Posting a pic here of some of the pods on the snail vine.

Thanks everyone for your help. (I wonder what happened to the cruel vine?) lol

Taylor, hubby is still limping, bruised, but is healing pretty good. He is going to PT three times a week and MRI's next. My mucuna pruriens bloomed this week from the seeds you sent, got four blooms so far.

Thumbnail by Gourd
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

glad to hear he is steadily improving!

Also happy to hear your mucuna are blooming. I have extra cruel vine seeds I can send you, if you don't find yours, ok? Just write and let me know.

I started trying to look up all the centrosemas, and at first thought there were only a couple of different species. I thought I could google each one and find your vine. That was until I found a site that listed all these , and am now overwhelmed with how many there are...
Centrosema acutifolium Benth.
Centrosema angustifolium (Kunth) Benth.
Centrosema arenarium Benth.
Centrosema arenicola (Small) F. J. Herm.
Centrosema bifidum Benth.
Centrosema brachypodum Benth.
Centrosema bracteosum Benth.
Centrosema brasilianum (L.) Benth.
Centrosema capitatum (Rich.) Amshoff
Centrosema carajasense Cavalcante
Centrosema coriaceum Benth.
Centrosema dasyanthum Benth.
Centrosema fasciculatum Benth.
Centrosema floridanum (Britton) Lakela
Synonym of: Centrosema arenicola (Small) F. J. Herm.
Centrosema grandiflorum Benth.
Centrosema grazielae V. P. Barbosa
Centrosema haitiense Urb. & Ekman
Synonym of: Centrosema schottii (Millsp.) K. Schum.
Centrosema heptaphyllum Moric.
Centrosema hybrid
Centrosema jaraguaense Hoehne
Centrosema kermesii Burkart
Centrosema kermesii Burkart
Synonym of: Centrosema schottii (Millsp.) K. Schum.
Centrosema latidens Killip & J. F. Macbr.
Centrosema macranthum Hoehne
Synonym of: Centrosema schottii (Millsp.) K. Schum.
Centrosema macrocarpum Benth.
Centrosema molle Mart. ex Benth.
Synonym of: Centrosema pubescens Benth.
Centrosema pascuorum Mart. ex Benth.
Centrosema plumieri (Turpin ex Pers.) Benth.
Centrosema pubescens sensu Fantz
Synonym of: Centrosema schiedeanum (Schltdl.) R. J. Williams & R. J. Clem.
Centrosema pubescens Benth.
Centrosema rotundifolium Mart. ex Benth.
Centrosema sagittatum (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Brandegee
Centrosema schiedeanum (Schltdl.) R. J. Williams & R. J. Clem.
Centrosema schottii (Millsp.) K. Schum.
Centrosema sp.
Centrosema tapirapoanense Hoehne
Centrosema tetragonolobum Schultze-Kraft & R. J. Williams
Centrosema venosum Mart. ex Benth.
Centrosema vetulum Mart. ex Benth.
Centrosema vexillatum Benth.
Centrosema virginianum (L.) Benth.
Centrosema virginianum var. latifolium (L.) Benth.

You may just have to be happy calling it a centrosema species, lol...
sorry, I tried, then I gave up, lol...

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

I LOVE that photo with your bee inside.
Looks like he has a hat
Great photo!

Taylor, good grief, I knew there were several species, but I had no idea there were that many.

I would like to have some of your seeds too, Taylor.
I have about 3 or 4 different species and wanted to plant them this year, but Morning Glories won
My alley is full of them growing behind my house, but I'm wanting to grow as many different ones that I can to compare next year,


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Sure Emma-
Let me see if I have your address, still. I'll write you back if I cannot find it...

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

check out this gorgeous picture of centrosema plumieri!

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh wow, Taylor,
That is unbelievably awesome.
Love that!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I am just getting more

I went out to look at my centrosemas today...after all the googling last night and getting frustrated with so many of them looking identical, but being called different names, I took a second look at mine...

I have several plants that I grew from seed labelled 'centrosema virginianum'. Mine have very large flowers and broad oval leaves.

I have another "batch" of centrosema plants I grew from seed that were marked "centrosema virginianum 'snow white'-rare". Unfortunately, they are NOT blooming white...*

However, they are darker colored than the others and MUCH smaller blooms. They also have much narrower leaves.

here is a pic of the regular and larger blooming one with broad oval leaves:

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is the small one with narrow leaves:

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

and here is a comparison photo...

The one on the left is planted in the ground and growing up a rose bush. It is the "regular" centro v.

The one on the right is a container I set there with the small one with narrow leaves that was supposed to be WHITe!

...BIG difference in size of bloom! And, a little difference in leaves and color...

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Emma? Can you send me your address?
I know I should be able to find it, but it would save me some time(lol) if you could just resend it to me...

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Thats interesting Taylor, I wonder how mine this year with the swordlike leaves will compare to last years with the rounder leaf. I know mine with the rounder leaf has big flowers, bigger then my clitoria flowers. I had no idea there were so many species! Impressive!
And on another note, any guesses why have I never gotten seeds??? I get pollination, I have even dabbled around with my paint brush, but nothing! And mine die back each year & only occasionally return. What is their natural habitat, condition-wise?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I think "dry woodland", or "disturbed areas" are the terms I've read the most for their natural habitat, but have also read they respond much better to supplemental waterings.

I didn't get any seeds off mine last year, either. In fact, the original ones I grew, grew lots of foliage, but never bloomed!
Then they never came back this spring, so I thought they were dead. So I started new seeds that I had gotten in trade.

As I told you in another email, I dug the same spot for my new seedlings and discovered dozens of long stringy tubers. Those long stringy tubers are still alive, they just refuse to come up! lol...

The ones that are growing, leafing out and blooming are the new seedlings from this year...

I think they are pollinated by bees, particulary the carpenter bee...we have plenty of honey bees and carpenter bees, so I hope they'll pollinate mine this year...

(**hope, hope...)

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

So do you think we are keeping them too moist? It sounds like we are in identical positions with ours, right down to the 2 leaf varieties!
I am gonna have to research where I got my seeds, cuz I see that the seedling I planted in the clay pot with the dbl blue clitoria & the corkscrew have the rounded leaves! Yet all my other seedlings are the long leaf... I wonder if I got the seed from 2 different places or if they were mixed together...and yes, carpenters are my main pollinators, bees are a rare sight around here.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

The small flowered ones were the ones Larry marked 'white', and they have the narrow leaves.

The others were also from Larry and were marked centro V.
They have the broad oval leaves...

All mine are from Larry...from two different trades.


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Which vine did you send me seeds of?
One of these?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Just now this week, or some other time?
This week I sent cruel vine

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

This week - the 'Cruel Vine'
I was just trying to find out the name for 'Cruel Vine'.
Until this Thread, I've never even heard of it -
but that doesn't mean a

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Emma-at the top of this thread Antoinette was saying she'd planted cruel vine, but it didn't come up. I offered her some of my cruel vine seeds. You also asked for seeds, but I thought you meant the cruel vine.

Apparently you meant centrosema.? I must have misunderstood. I thought you wanted cruel vine.

I don't have any more centrosema. I planted them all when I first got them. But, I got them from Larry, so I'm sure he'll give you some if you ask, since you are both such good friends. I don't seem to be able to ahold of him, lately...

Here is a link that has a thread showing a great picture of the cruel vine:

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Here is anothe that grows along the river banks. I am not sure of the name but it is nickname "Yellow River Bean" and it will cover the entire bank by summers end. I love how pretty it looks with a blanket of Yellow...

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Love your "Yellow River Bean".
I think you sent me seeds. I'll have to check. If not, I would love seeds.

That was why I was so confused....duh!
I was looking up 'Cruel Vine' and kept seeing photos like in the link you sent me to, which is Araujia Sericifera. Very Pretty!
I 'thought' the photo at the start of this thread WAS a 'Cruel Vine'.
So, THANK YOU again, now that I know what I have. I have wanted this vine also.
I'll also find out what all Larry might have in the Centrosema.

Here is photo of the 'Texas Native' that is blooming now. You will almost always see them growing with 'Texas Native Sharp Pod Morning Glory' - and their colors are the exact same Pink. This year, I have noticed YELLOW as well. Since they are not where I see them everyday, I'm not sure if the color changes as the plant matures, or when first opens, or what. I'll need to watch them more. I'm not sure, but I 'think' these are Strophostyles ??? But not sure which one.
Leaves do not look like Strophostyles leiosperma, but flower is small as this one is.
Look at photo of Onalee's. Strophostyles umbellata:

Another Strophostyles helvula at this link with 'Pink' AND 'Yellow'

This is like a maze, which is why I want to study them.

So what is the difference between Strophostyles and Centrosema???
Also see these many times referred to as 'Fuzzy Bean Vine'.


Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is Strophostyles helvulva

This is what the seed pods look like [SAME AS ON VINES IN MY ALLEY]

The leaves here
do look like what I have.
Also, my blooms look much lighter when the sun is glaring down on them as in this photo

Do you suppose I have Strophostyles helvulva?
Whatcha think?

Look at these leaves and compare with yours first posted on this thread.
You could have
Strophostyles leiosperma (Strophostyles pauciflora)
Another link
Leaves on both links are more elongated

Whatcha think?


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I was "donated" a Strophostyles helvula by a birdie who "deposited" one for me, a few years ago...
I would imagine that is what you have, also. It looks identical. It should seed well for you. Mine seeded like crazy. They start out pinky lavender but age a yellowy orange. The flowers are cute and little.
I think the leaves in the photo link above look really similar to Antoinettes vine, but the flowers are not the same, at all. Hers are definitely centrosema and different from the strophostyles. The main way you can tell, Emma is that the strophostyles has sort of a "hood" of a top petal part, and the centrosema is upside down. The strophostyle also has that swirled reproductive part, like the snail vine does...
Yes, please ask Larry. I still want to tell him about the matalea!

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much, Taylor.

Mesilla Park, NM

Emma, I'm so sorry for the confusion, I should have worded my original post better. What happened is that I planted some cruel vine seeds and also the centrosema virginiana, then got the tags lost.

The vine I posted up there was what I thought Cruel vine, but instead it turned out to be centrosema Virginiana. (which I happen to love anyway).

I think that the the centrosema is being pollenated by the carpenter bee, that is the only visitor around that is visable.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Antoinette,
Not a problem, look at all we have learned.

Here is the 'Strophostyles helvula' blooming today



Thumbnail by EmmaGrace

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