fall planting

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Are there any annual seeds that should go in in the fall, rather than waiting til spring? I'm in zone 7 now, PNW, but I seem to remember when I lived in Calif that you should put in sweet pea and also iceland poppy seeds in the fall.

I'm always late getting my stuff in the ground so it never really takes off but this year I'm going to be ON TOP OF IT!!!


Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

One seed that isn't exactly annual but if you want bloom next year this is really a good time of year to plant is things like Sweet William. If you wait till spring you will have to wait another complete season for bloom. I found I can plant them here in August and they bloom next June. Gwendalou, is Langley in eastern or western WA? I might even have some SW seed. Unless they have all completely shattered.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

My yard is filled with sweet williams. I have the pinkish variety. It's like a weed and I'm always pulling it out! LOL Are there other colors? It is just not very attractive the places it's planted in my yard.

Langley is on the south end of Whidbey Island, western Washington. Where is Mt Angel?


Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Gwen, Mt. Angel is south of Portland about 40 miles but still northeast of Salem.
Sweet Williams come in whites, pinks, burgundies, rose colors. I keep a row out in my picking garden.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

I have tons of mixed color seeds of Sweet Willam if you want me to bring some to the NW RU? Would love to give you some if you want it. I collected a lot this season.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Gosh, maybe I should reconsider my sweet williams! M ine just never have looked very good. Daisyruffles, sure, it would be great if you bring me some of the mixed as that might look a lot better. Does anyone have photos of their sweet williams in the ground? What do you plant them with to set them off? Mine were just all sgraggledy in the ground under a big evergreen and in another spot that is sort of a rock garden area but I pulled everything out of there and made a 'chocolate garden.'


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Here is a picture of my Sweet William, Dianthus, on May 6th, this year.
Both sides of Ruffles are the plants.
I will say that most all of mine are in full sun. No real shade.
Will bring some seed to the RU then.

Thumbnail by daisyruffles
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

MIne were a lot more scraggedly. Maybe mine were some sort of wild weed-like variety or were seeds scattered by birds.


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