Rose of Sharon help.

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey guys.. My Rose of Sharon seems to have less leaves this year than last... It has been a pretty hot summer, and not so much water. The blooms look great, and the foliage that it does have looks relatively healthy.

Any ideas?


Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Fertilize it. I use a Rose Food with a systemic insecticide since aphids are pretty rampant here. Any balanced food would be good, me thinks. Make sure you deep-water when you fertilize so it gets the nurtients and doesn't get burned.

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

It might be a bit late to fertilize here in my zone, don't you think?


erie, PA(Zone 5a)

You might want to try Miracid rather than a time release fertilizer that will last 3 months. Its a water soluable, foliage feeder and its effects only last 2-3 weeks, if you are worried about feefing the plants into the fall / winter months. Gil

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks, snipper.. That is on the "to-do" list for this week, then!


Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Good save Snipper! I didn't notice where McMullen was from. I agree totally! :~D

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Does this ROS rely on rain alone?
Do you have other deciduous bushes or trees in the yard?

They'll naturally drop leaves they can't support due to stress or drought.
I've even seen tomatoes growing in drought conditions. Very few leaves but there hung a few fruit meaning they had to bloom first.

You say the blooms are great and the foliage healthy so I don't know why you'd want to put miracid on it? If they prefer acidic soil then it's news to me and my 3 ROS. I'm on Lake Michigan water which is hard anyway so my soil PH is no where near acidic and I doubt if it's even neutral.

First thing I'd be checking is water. Do you mulch?
It's getting pretty late in the season to encourage new growth but it wouldn't hurt too much anyway since they bloom on new wood and benefit from some pruning.

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)


I do mulch. It hasn't dropped any leaves this season at all. I did have lots of blossoms drop last year, but it was it's first year in my yard.

It is so far in the back acre that I can't get a hose to it, so rainfall is all it has. Maybe I should drag out the extra hose for a few good waterings before winter hits.

What do you think?


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

They're pretty tough though. If it looks good, just not lots of foliage you could probably let it finish it's lean year. It wouldn't hurt to hike down there with a bucket a couple of times before the frost.

Here's another thought. Do you have deer? Did they browse it?
Can you post a picture? If you're into rooting cuttings, it might be worth it to see about rooting a couple just in case. :)

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)


I will include this picture.. you can see the ROS in the background, out of focus and nearly out of frame. That should help alot. ;) haha. The picture was of the glads, obviously.

I have heard they are tough.. I am probably paying for the fact that I didn't water it as well as I should have when I planted it last June. :(


Thumbnail by NjMcMullen
Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Looks tall and big glowing flowers. Pretend like you just transplanted (fall being a good time to plant trees and shrubs). Give it a good shot of whatever fertilizer you may use and then just make sure it gets a good drink at least weekly till your first frost. I think it'll be fine.

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks a ton, 8ft. It looks like the bucket brigade will have to do. I need a well or something back there. :)


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

ya know... if you get any rain at all, you should set up a stock tank or barrel(s) to harvest it off that tool shed. Hang a gutter on both side (couldn't tell if they already exist and have them both run to your container in back of the shed

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

ooo.. Great Idea!! That will be this fall's project. I was planning on replacing the gutters on the house, two birds.. one stone.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Is that perfect timing or what? Looks like you may be in the country. You can probably pick a stock tank or something pretty cheap if not for free.

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