Weeping Cherry.... Leaves are turning brown & Curling

Reno, NV

I planted this weeping cherry last year. It came back just beautiful this spring. I live in Reno Nevada and we have had some very hot days lately. I'm not sure if the leaves got sunburned or if it has a disease of some sort. Any ideas out there?


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Lots of possibilities, including lack of water or roots so hot they cannot metabolize properly or move water to the canopy. Can only guess w/o more specific info.


Calistoga, CA

If the leaves sunburn it is usually easy to tell. The leaves will be yellow to brown in the center portune of the leave rather than the edge. It is the leaves inability to draw enough moisture up from the roots. Several possible causes are likely to cause this. Al

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

This very same thing happened to my weeping cherry this week. Last week it was fine. We had a bunch of rainstorms for several days, then it went back to mid 80's temps. Suddenly, almost all the leaves are yellowing, brown, curled and falling off. The tips of the weeping branches are the only spot that still has green leaves. I'm just so upset over it. It was my first flowering tree. Will it come back next year? It was new this year.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Both of my Prunis Mackii 'Amur Cherry' trees have already browned and dropped all leaves. Guess it's just too hot and dry for them. Yet the big Bing Cherry trees haven't shown any stress. They've probably gotten more water since they're near the back deck and I water the grass alot to keep it green and growing. Can't miss more than about 3 days before the grass starts changing color. Those trees suck all the water out of the ground.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

So now mine has dropped most of its leaves but it has lots of shiny brown buds on it, the type I would expect to see in spring. Is yours doing the same thing, Vaukcheryl? I don't know if they're going to open now or wait until spring. It's still warm here, mid 70s to 80s in the daytimes. We won't get frost until October. If they open, will it not have time to take care of its needs before spring? Or will that help it get more photosynthesis going and then maybe make more reserves to help it through the winter? I'm not sure what to think. At least it doesn't appear totally dead.

Reno, NV

I ended up moving mine this weekend to a more open spot. It was on the south side of my house in a bed that was the house wall on the east then the rest was concrete. I won't really know until next spring if it was a good decision. No buds on mine but the leaves are healthy on one side and the ends of the branches which go all the way to the ground.

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