I just want to put in my water garden!

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

DH and I have been trying to get the wood trim on our brick house scraped and painted for a year and a half now. Slowly, we are making progress, but some of the wood is having to be replaced. Now my DH is pretty handy, but he works 2nd shift so it's hard to get done when it's 100 degrees and then he has to go work 10 hrs in a factory!

Well, I have a new fire lit under me to get it done now (at least a part of it), because my BIL just gave me a water garden mold, complete with waterfall/fountain that spills into the pond! I'm so excited! But I don't want to put it in until the scraping and painting above it is DONE (for safety and to avoid the MESS of all that in the pond). Well, my "bestest" friend, ButterflyChaser came over this afternoon toting her extension ladders and we got the whole end of the house (right over where the pond will be) scraped this afternoon/evening!! Tomorrow we're going to start painting, and this weekend we're going to put the pond in!! I can't wait!

Here's a pic half-way through the scraping project... (ignore the two missing shingles, I've got to find some replacements... lol)

Thumbnail by gardenergail
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