New iris has rot - what to do?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I've never had this happen before. I put a rhizome in the ground and 12 days later it was totally soft and useless. Can someone tell me the protocol on this one? What is wrong with it?

Edited to say - this vendor was very good to me and I want everyone to understand that I have realized the cultivar was actually one of the many bonus iris he sent me. You would do well to buy from him, I promise. He has been so generous there is no question of asking him to replace it, but does he want to know?

This message was edited Aug 11, 2005 11:06 PM

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I'm thinking it was bad when you got it Doss. Did you purchase it and if so, they'll probably replace it. (I've missed you!)

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks weegy - I'm sure that they would replace it but it's a busy time of year for them and they were beyond my imagination with extras. I just looked back in my records and this cultivar was only $4.00. I think the thing to do is pass. I hadn't realized the cost of the cultivar - or which vendor it was. I like them a whole lot and they've been great. Passing is the right thing to do. I should have checked first. That's the answer to my own question.

I'm really lucky. In all of this time it's only happened once. And if it was going to be an iris that didn't make it - well this was beautiful but at least it didn't hit me in the pocket like some of them might.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Doss, which one is it, maybe I have it and you can have one? Let me know.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

A question for you.....I've been digging up and dividing my iris's and am finding alot of rotted ones, not the smelly rot but just soft and mushy. Do you think the rains we had have something to do with that? I am still learning!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't know - this vendor had the same problem. I've only had one other one rot and it was rotten to begin with. This one had the same problem that yours are having - no smell, just the rhizome was like tissue paper wrapped around nothing. And it happened over night. The cultivar is "Spell Fire". It's a white one. And thanks for the offer - you are always so sweet. It's not as if I really need another iris. She says foolishly. :-)

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Excess rains/watering will cause iris rhizomes to rot. They dislike a lot of water. If they aren't totally rotten, I've had luck with cutting off the mushy part, dipping them in a 10% bleach solution and replanting them.

I don't have Spell Fire iris either, or I would send it to you.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Dear Joan, that's very sweet. I do appreciate it.

There wasn't any mushy part at all to treat. It was more like the outside was cigarette paper and the inside was pretty hollow and not soggy but more like crispy. It crackled when you pressed it between your fingers - no smell either. The leaves had fallen off. I've grown iris for years and never had this happen. I've had rot once - you don't ever forget that smell, do you?
I've never seen this before. Very odd.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Hey thanks Joan, I've been throwing them away.
I don't have Spell Fire either or I'd send it to you Doss whether you need another one or not!
I have to tell you Doss, I planted Expose, right, ok, out of 80 iris's I have here in my little iris garden, which one do you think my granddogs like to dig up when they come over????? You guessed it...Expose! That's the only one they dig up and I don't get it. It's planted in the middle of the garden with iris's all around it and they have to pick my special iris! Just had to share that with you, they were visiting last night and this morning I went to water and lo and behold, there's Expose on its side gasping for dirt!

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

LOL Weegy, it's a good thing iris plants are so forgiving.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)


The squirrels like to dig up my freshly planted rhizomes. They seem to dig the same ones up over and over I'm guessing that some rhizomes must smell different than others.

I have started putting large rocks on top of the irises that keep getting dug up, and the squirrels haven't dug them up now in over 2 weeks! I doubt a rock would stop a dog if it was really determined, but it may discourage them if it was a large enough rock.


I've had some unique problems with my rhizomes this year. A lot like what you're talking about. No smell, but the rhizome is destroyed and hollow. Let me know if you find out what is causing it! I have no idea, and I haven't been able to find anything in the books I've read.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I'm thinking we may be talking about different things here?

You all aren't talking about the original rhizome that's maybe dying? If that's the case, that one will be dying off, (normal), but there will be younger rhizomes growing from it?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

That is possible Joan - I may have received an original rhizome by mistake. It did have leaves and looked normal before I planted it - but it didn't have the same kind of foliage I usually get from this vendor. There were no other rhizomes attached. It might have just been an oversight. I can buy it next year. He sent me a several brand new intros as extras. You just don't beg to differ in cases like that.

I had the dog in the garden problem too and solved it with rocks. But if you planted it with bone meal - which is what I did in the case I'm talking about, my dog just kept pulling it up until I used the rock. I do wonder why it's just that one. Your dogs have very good taste.

Have you asked the Aitken's about it flowerfrenzy?

I am thinking that you may be on to something, Joan. It would be an easy mistake to make during a busy iris season.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Did the foliage attached look like it could have been a bloom scape? More round rather than flat? If it is more round, then it would most likely be from a bloom scape and from the old dying rhizome.

I have to ask though, what type of iris are we talking about? I'm talking about tall bearded, intermediate beaded, dwarf bearded etc.

Siberian iris and Japanese iris are totally different. And, I know very little about them.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

It's a Tall Bearded creature. The rhizome was round and hollow. I do think that you have it. Thanks Joan.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

You're welcome. I'm sorry the outcome wasn't better.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

That's OK. I understand that mistakes are made - and this white "Kiss Goodbye" is one of the extras he sent me. If you love lace - well there should be enough here to make a wedding gown with. I know it would be replaced in a second if I asked. But I'm absolutely not disappointed. "Kiss Goodbye" is a 2005 Kerr intro. Happy me.

They are really truly great to work with. And I learned something too. Any day I learn something is a very good day.

This photo belongs to Homestead/Rainbow Acres Iris.

This message was edited Aug 12, 2005 8:52 AM

Thumbnail by doss
Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

You did get a beauty for a feebie. Kiss Goodbye is gorgeous.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

What a gorgeous flower, Doss.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Beautiful flower Doss! For everyone with squirrel problems: pour on the cayenne pepper and the squirrels will leave the irises alone. When dogs sniff it they'll sneeze and probably not go back. It does not hurt birds at all. In fact, it's protein for them!

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I dug up 8 cultivars today and have alot of rot, not the smelly kind thank God. I am figuring its from all the rain we had here, I hardly ever water them. I'm losing some here and there, but plan on replacing them.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Weegy, have you thought of using a fungicide when you bury your iris? I don't know if it would help but I know that you've had a lot of rot problems. At least all of the iris you sell will be proven to be resistant to rot. Not a bad thing.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Weegy, you should try scrapping off the soft parts, generously drenching the rhizome with Comet (actually any cleanser with bleach), and covering the surrounding soil with the cleanser. I have the rot problem during our wet Novembers and have only lost two plants in all these years - and that was because it happened while I was away for a few weeks.

Doss, I received several completely dried up rhizomes in a trade last year...the woman apologized that they'd been "out of the ground for a while." When I pressd them, they were paper thin and hollow the way you described (and dead).


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Doss: You should tell the company. They keep records on problems and if they have more than one on a variety it helps them investigate that iris field and the moisture content and does the company and us a big favor. Then they have the opportunity of correcting the problem. How will they know something's amiss if you don't tell them?

Because of their generosity you can state that you're not asking for a replacement but thought it would be of interest to them. I'd certainly appreciate it if I were a grower, wouldn't you?

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Pirl, as a grower, yes, I would want to know.

And Neil, thanks, I'm going to dig up my big clumps and do that, I dug up 8 cultivars and probably half of them had some rotted rhizomes, not the smelly stuff but just rotten. I'll be working this week on digging and dividing and treating so I'll be having fun!
Thanks for the input guys.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Weegy, you have sort of a warped idea of fun. :-) But then those of us who love iris may just be warped in general.

I'll contact the grower after the shipping season is over. They are working dawn to dusk right now. Or shouldn't I wait either?

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I think they'd appreciate it if you let them know now. That way they can check it right away.
Yes, I am warped, gardening is supposed to be fun right??!?!?!?
I'm still watching Expose very closely! That's my special one from my special friend!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I agree with letting them know ASAP. They'll have the chance to correct it and check twice for damaged corms.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks gang. You're all great.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Anything for our Doss!

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