Shrub Hardiness Question

Milton, VT(Zone 4a)

I just bought two Dwarf Nandina domestica - 'Firepower' []
from a local store. It didn't list the Zone (I hate that) but one would figure that if they are selling in your area as a perennial then it must be hardy to your zone. However, after looking it up in DG PlantFiles it is listed as Zone 6a while I am Zone 4a-b. Has anyone had any experience with these in the Zone 4 area? If not I may have to do a plant trade for them.


Hanover Twp., PA(Zone 6a)

I'm in zone 5 and grow plants with a Zone 7 tag on them. I just mulch the ground heavily in those areas and before the ground freezes. This goes against the rules but it seems to work and I can grow some zone 7 plants. My heavenly bamboo grows and blooms in zone 5 but some years when the winter is very cold and we have only light snow covering it will die to the ground but comes back from the roots in mid-spring. If you love the plant give it a try.

Thumbnail by mgarr

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