Plume poppy

Rockford, IL

On a garden walk earlier this summer I saw this huge showy plant called a plume poppy. Upon seeing it, I thought I'd like to have one (like nearly every other plant I look at!). Internet searches indicated that it can be invasive and in some areas considered noxious. Has anyone had either positive or negative experience with this plant in the midwest area? Your comments are appreciated. Cathy

Chilliwack, Canada

Hi there. Here in zone six this can be incredibly aggressive in its growth. And . . . very hard to dig up once established. Hope this helps


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Zone 5, not midwest-big mistake-took over lots of garden area! Don't do it! Just enjoy it when you see it.

Rockford, IL

I was at a great nursery yesterday (Craig Bergman's in Winthrop Harbour, IL--heard about through 8ftBed). That's exactly what one of the gardener's said when I asked about their last plume poppy plant. She said it's very aggressive and high maintanence in terms of keeping it in check (glad to hear others agree). Needless to say, I didn't buy it.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I'm so glad you heard us all!!

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

2 sides to every coin.
Cathy, I could show you another friend's garden in Lake Villa (bascially on your way to Zion). You'll see PP grown in harmony with everything else. Two different places and while there's a very small stand, they aren't taking over like ajuga or something. Of course this couple is amazing anyway. Not a blade of turf grass anywhere and no fear of planting anything "eets so preeeety".

If you wanted a start, we could get you one. I took Sugarweed over there when she visited. I've planted it twice at home and they didn't like either place. pfffft!

Rockford, IL

Yeah--I'd like to see the PP in the Lake Villa garden sometime. Guess I'll have to get over my plume poppy phobia before I ask for a starter! :)

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

I want one! We have a farm with a lot of weedy spots that I would be glad to let them take over! Anybody with seeds or plants to share?

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Well if you want some crowd control with height and edible to boot - you could go with Jerusalem Artichoke.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

My plume poppy behaved well the first year but it was the second and third year that drove me mad. What a waste of good gardening time to control them. Good luck, caitlinsgarden! At least you know what you are in for. I bet the people who bought my house 3 years ago would love to give them away! lol.

Belvidere, IL(Zone 5a)

Are they reseeding or spread by roots? I've seen these on some of the garden walks in Rockford, Il and wanted to get them. I didn't hear they were aggressive until now. I have enough things that want to take over. Wondering if you could do like Bee Balm and put them in large pots and sink it. That's if it spreads by roots.


This message was edited Aug 15, 2005 7:17 AM

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I don't know about pots but their roots must be very big and yes they spread by sending shoots up from the roots which seem to spread horizontally so they pop up 5 feet away from the plant all over the garden! They can be controlled (unlike goutweed, the other invasive I got to leave behind when I moved) but it requires constant vigilance. They sure are beautiful though-such a shame. Here they are towering above black dragon trumpets in my old garden.

Thumbnail by boojum
McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Guess they would do well in their own little island somewhere between the garage and the driveway or somewhere else where there is a cement barrier...Maybe this could be a special place like australia where all the renegades were shipped... Let's see, as a lovely ground cover there would be that wonderful smelling, colorful beauty, chameleon plant...There might be room for a few more varieties, but they would have to duke it out between themselves. What might we plant as companions for these two beauties?

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

After visiting the thread "If you plant this you will regret it" I tought of a great companion to my penal island colony" - gooseneck loosestrife! I love it! I guess it just depends on how much space you have, and how many nastier things are growing there.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Funny I was just thinking about loosestrife! That was the third invasive I escaped from when I moved, but I dearly miss that one. Such a great white. Too much garden to deal with it here. There was also a striped grass that I was always pulling. Here I have anemone canadensis, mustard garlic, sorrel, nettles, trumpet vines, feverfew, a ratty mallow, and a prickery nightshade weed that I'd move to the plant penal colony island.

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

I like my Plume Poppies which I haven't had too bad a time controlling but Goosneck Loostrife is a rampant weed in my garden. I'd pull out my toe nails one by one before I planted one!

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

owwwwww ahahahahahaahhaaha!!!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I grew plume poppy for about 5 years and it was never much of a problem. I had it planted where it got less than full sun and it was a dry area that I never watered, so I think that helped. The only problem I ever had was that occasionally I would have to pull up some shoots that came up under a shrub near by. I gave some to a friend after warning her that it could be invasive and she is always telling me how much she loves it. I would never want to plant it in a perennial bed that gets watered frequently, but it is beautiful in the right place.


East Barre, VT(Zone 4a)

Boy, if the one I am fighting looked nearly as pretty as the picture boojum posted, I wouldn't have minded a stray popping up here and there. Mine, though, was just sprays of little indistinct flowers, with nothing much to recommend it. And it did spread like crazy. I am still pulling it out, two full summers after the initial plant came to my house.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Woops! Those are trumpet lilies that grew threw the poppies, leisurlee. It's mainly loved for it's blue-ish foliage. Sorry you're having that battle. I commisurate!

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