Large Vines in Trees

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

Does anyone have experience with growing large vines up a mature tree? I have a large American Bittersweet Celastrus scandens that has climbed to the top of a Box Elder tree. I like the vine in the tree but I worry a bit that it might help bring it down in a windstorm. I know Box Elders are not the most sturdy trees to begin with. Is this really a problem or is it just something that could happen but only worry-worts obsess over? The birds really like it and it offers them good shelter year round.


Ice storms and vines in trees spell trouble. The ice will collect on the vines and the added weigh will break branches. Hope this doesn't happen. beth

Mc Call Creek, MS

Hurricanes or tropical storms and vines in pine trees don't mix either. (Ask me how I know.)

I think a lot might depend on the kind of tree and your local weather.

I'm still growing vines on my pine trees, though, for lack of anywhere else for them to climb. I have lots of fence, but the water hose doesn't reach that far. Just grow them and hope for the best (unless they are directly over your house).


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

In your/my zone - 4/5 - they grow up large trees (they grow wild) and no harm is caused. I wouldn't worry - your vine should be just fine and so should your tree. Wisteria would be a whole other story - they WILL kill a tree by smothering it. A bittersweet vine is a thin vine with not much weight, nor many leaves, so you should be ok.

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