Bing Cherry

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

We just noticed this morning, the Bing Cherry tree in our front yard appears to have a wound of some kind. It looks like reddish pink clear fluid running down the trunk from two or three joints. On inspection this ozzing looking clear fluid is actually hard. Sort of Jelly type covering.

Would anyone have any experience with this kinda thing. What is it, and what can I do? :(


Thumbnail by OldFlowerGirl
Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

I am no tree expert, but I would say that it looks like a weeping wound. Is something girdling the branch? I see a label from the nursery still on the trunk, those should be removed.


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

That green looks like a ziptie or wire tie. ??

If so, it definitely needs to come off. Like Nick said about the nursery tag, when the tree grows it basically strangles that branch or limb. I'm thinking the green is some kind of wire thats cutting in.

Based on the shadow, it looks like this branch kind of sticks out by itself anyway. I'd probably go ahead and prune that branch off. The Bing grows fast anyway and if you really want a branch at that location, odds are you'll probably have sprouts from the collar next year.

Thumbnail by 8ftbed
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Do a search using gummosis cherry as the search words to confirm.


Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Thank you one and all for your comments and advice. Yes there was a plastic tag on the lower branch, but it was not tight against it. The wound was also above that branch and on the main trunk. It appears tapla hit the nail right on the head. When I googled gummosis cherry, it gave the exact description and photo of what our tree looks like. After cutting all the dead tissue away, we disinfected and treated the areas. Now we will keep out fingers crossed and be a little more vigilant in our insect control. Much appreciated Al and everyone else who responded.

Ya gotta love Dave's for all the assistance that is available. :D

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