Silverado sage, Texas sage

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I bought a 3 gallon container of the Silverado sage. Is this a dwarf shrub? Cause the Purple sage grows about 8 feet high. Im going to plant the Silverado sage on the ground. Does it need water after planting? How much water? Is this plant a fast grower?

Do you still have the tag that came with the plant? Does it say you have a Leucophyllum frutescens cultivar? If so, check here-

I don't think what you have is a true dwarf. Yours should get to be about 4-5' tall. Leucophyllum frutescens compacta is one of the dwarf cultivars. I think those only get to be about 3' tall.

Nice looking plant you have there. Looks like it was a great choice. 4-5' isn't all that tall.

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