Sawdust in compost

Seattle, WA

I have created some compost from a combination of sod (removing lawn to plant flowers) and barn sweepings from horse stables. The barn sweepings contain a large proportion of sawdust. The compost seems to have aged and decomposed but it is still clear there was a lot of sawdust in it. Can I use it as is, or should I be adding anything to make it more healthy?

Bloomingdale, NY(Zone 4a)

If you can still see the sawdust, it would seem that the compost is not yet finished. Finished or not, if you're using it as a mulch, I don't know of any problems. Digging it into the soil may pose a slight risk of the remaining sawdust "robbing nitirogen" from the soil while it rots but a little additional nitrogen-containing materials should offset it.


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