What is this?

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

I've had a bad flareup of my MS and have not been able to tend to my garden in the last few weeks. My neighbor came by this afternoon to fertilize my brugs for me and noticed my dats were declining.
She took these digital pics for me. Tell me what you think.......
This one has tiny holes in all of the leaves.

Thumbnail by FlamingoCarole
Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

this one is a bit different problem....leave are developing brown spots and they are curling inward on themselves. I have lost alot of leaves because they are dropping from the plant.
thanks for everyone's help!

Thumbnail by FlamingoCarole
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

the second pic looks like spider mites or hate to say this but way too much water. i have one that looks the same and i think its all the rain we are having. i have already lost one, Dats dont like soggy feet!!!

yhe first pic could be beetles shiny gold ones ( little ) or a baby catapiller. it could be any kind of bug though. seven dust it for a day or two if possible.

i am sorry you arent feeling to well at the moment. hope you feel better soon.!!!!!

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Marie! thanks for your info...
Well pic #2 could be too much water, we have had ALOT of rain (like yourself) this last month. But I also suspect spider mites as you suggested.
What do you suggest I do?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

insecticiadal soap works for spider mites. Walmart sells it in premade spray bottles.. just make sure you spray the underneath of the leaves (where they hide) and not during daylight as will burn the plants.

since most of these are annuals thats about the only thing really to do in our area right now. the rain doesnt help none but a good dousing of it on the bottom of the leaves usually works.

if leaf is really webby or looks bad on the bottom i usually pull them off put in a sealed zip loc baggy and throw away.

this year has been worse for us due to all the rain.

get plenty of rest!!! hugs to you Marie

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

that first picture, kind of looks like those flea beetles, their little black beetles, I get them on my daturas too, theyll eat it up if you don't spray something on them. They love daturas.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Daturas can get mites, and other insects, make sure you spray under the leaf where they hide.

Datura are loved by white fly, spider mites, leaf borers, and other pests of the nightshade family (tomato hornworms and cutworms for example) if conditions are right for their growth. Use standard and safe
practices to minimize pests. Interestingly, hornworms become hawk moths (or sphinx moths) which feed on datura nectar. These moths are quite large, and resemble hummingbirds in size and flight habits. Although hornworms are despised as they will seemingly devour branches at at time, it is a wonderful experience on a warm evening to smell the fragrant daturas and see these large moths busy at work. Moths or not, enjoy your angels trumpets!

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