Question about digging Siberian Iris

Hamilton Sq, NJ(Zone 6b)

Someone told my brother he could not dig up his Siberian Iris till the ground was 50 degrees or lower. Now he won't let me take any of them. I was wondering if this is a fact or someone who thinks they know it all. Can anyone help me please?

Thank you in advance,

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I've never heard that............

I believe July-Sept is optimal time for moving. Like anything else, they need time to settle and establish roots before winter--and like to avoid moves during high heat.

I've had great success doing moves in early spring and at this later time as well.

I'm sure you could find some sources on line that you could print and share w/ him--maybe that would convince him to lighten his hold on them.

Others will probably chime in here and give additional details.

Good Luck!

Hamilton Sq, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thank you, MudGirl. That is what I told him. I also told him I was going to ask the ones I trust the most. That is why I am here.

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

There's a HUGE difference between what Sibs can tolerate if they're dug and shipped bareroot vs what they can tolerate if they're dug with a large chunk of soil maintained around their rootball and replanted or potted immediately with minimal root disturbance. If you try the former at this time of year, you may well kill the Sib. If you do the latter, the Sib will probably transplant just fine as long as you keep it well mulched and watered in its new location.


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