Vine for Wooden Fence

Clovis, NM(Zone 7a)

I have been doing a lot of Landscaping for my mom and our next mission is to find a vine for the back fence. Right now we have some Virginia Creeper that started growing wild on one side of our fence. My mom likes it alright but I have a feeling it could get very invasive and would also like something a little different.

I'm in Zone 6B, 7A. Evergreen would be nice, but it really does not matter too much. I know my mom really likes flowers, so a bloomer would be good. She really likes trumpet vines but there are many people who have them here and I would like to be unique with this project.

Is there any type of clematis that would work well for a wooden fence? Any other suggestions are welcome also.


Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Fall Clematis
Purple Hyacinth Bean vine (Dolichos lablab)
Cardinal Climber
Mina lobata

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