What's up with my Squash leaves???

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

They've been big and beautiful, but over the last few days, I've noticed the edges are rimmed with white. Do I need to be worried?

Thumbnail by Sequee
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i don't know if squash can get blight, but that's what it reminds me of, try a spray mixture of 1 TBSP each of baking soda, liquid soap, & oil in 1 gallon of water...

could also be heat stress. maybe someone else willknow?

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I'll give it a shot. And it has been miserably hot this season!

Victorville, CA

Sequee- How did it go with the squash? Did you find out what it was.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Nope, never did - but I did manage to get one fruit from each variety, so I'm not complaining too loudly! At least I get to taste test them to see if I will do it all again!

The Jarrahdale, pictured aboce, produced a wonderful 16 pound beauty!

Here's a photo with the Jarrahdale and the Bon-Bon.

This message was edited Sep 11, 2005 1:15 PM

Thumbnail by Sequee
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

And this one's supposed to be a Kubocha, but it doesn't look like the description the Trader gave me. Looks more like Sapphire Star.

Thumbnail by Sequee
Victorville, CA

That is such a nice pic of some of your veggies! I got a baggie of seeds from a round robin and they were simply labeled "Asian pumpkin". I thought I'd take a chance but I left a note on the thread that if anybody knew what they were exactly or if they had grown them they could dmail about them ie: what do they look like ripe or how to grow them, did they get them from a source or did they save them themselves. No answer just yet. It's an adventure!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, I have several of those. I always worry that I won't know when to pick 'em if I don't know what they are supposed to look like. Good thing about this site, though. You can always take a photo while they are growing, and someone will know what they are!!!

I love this place!

Victorville, CA

Me too! I made a mistake it was written "Sweet Asian Pumpkins".

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