Canna ID

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Can Canna be ID'd by their foliage?

Thumbnail by Sequee
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I think some can be. Wish I could help ~ did you try in the bulb forum? You might get a little better help there.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Why, you're just everywhere, aren't you! LOL! I had planted a bunch of gift/trade bulbs at one time, then when nothing came up, I planted others that I'd received. Now I have no idea what's what! It's sure fun watching everything progress! I love the foliage on this one. (Hey, even I was able to id the Calla Lily! Can this possible be construed as progress???)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Ya know, I just hate to see a question go unanswered. Even little bits of progress are still progress! :)

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

With the red streak in it, I want to say it's a form of ginger. There are many different gingers and some look like cannas. Also, some bananas look like cannas, so it may be difficult to tell til it grows or blooms. But I'm thinking maybe a ginger.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Wow! That's exciting. I had no idea - never did bulbs before - of course now I want them all! LOL!

I will post when they bloom.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

there is also a heliconia that has the red vein but I wouldn't think it would survive your winters. did you plant this spring? Some heliconias look so much like bananas, a lot of people confuse. well, they're in the same family, so no gross mis-ID.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I planted them in early Spring, but when notyhing came up, I planted something else in the same area (having been told I planted too early and they probably wouldn't make it) - hence the confusion!

I think these bulbs were from MSJen, so maybe I should drop her a line...

I can hardly wait to see what develops!

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

Sequee!!! OMG, one of my children, lol.

Thats an unknown hidden ginger that did so well for me!! The bloom is similar to elata (or is alata?) but was much shorter. I dont think it got over 2-3 ft tall. I loved this one because the foliage was gorgeous, multiplied quickly and lasted all season.

If you happen to get a side shoot of it, would you be willing to part with it? A big ol tree wiped mine out during Katrina : (

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Well, Jen - it never did bloom for me - I think it may have gotten too late a start. There were 4 of them, though, and I brought them all in for the winter, so you are welcome to half of them.

Since, you're here... IS it best to try to keep them going in potting soil, or should I cut them back and pull them out to "rest".

And another question - to ya'll - My newest adoptee thinks the long, wide planter that I'm using for the EE's, Canna, and (thank you MSJen) Ginger makes a great potty! God forbid she should use the litter box that's all of 2 feet away! Anyway, is this going to kill the plants??? I added a few "scat cat's" and a bunch of coffee grounds and I think this is working, but is the damage done? Should I pull them all out, wash them and dry them out for the winter???

MSJen - you are welcome to bulbettes of everything. Just say "when"!

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

I really don't know what to advise for winter protection. Back in MS i was zone 8a and kept them in the ground year round.I did have pots of gingers that i hauled in to the greenhouse that did well also. Try looking up alata to see what the zone info says. Its not alata, but close to it. I'm afraid that if they are planted in the ground they will have to be dug yearly.

As far as the adoptee? i'd probably say leave them be. I've had cats urinate in pots, and in beds, and it didnt seem to bother the plants. i'm sure if it went on daily, for weeks, there might be some damage, but i think youll be fine.

Thank you for the offer!! I would love to have a start of it. I'm tellin ya, the foliage makes them worthwhile.
I'm not sure when i sent them to you, but in 8a, they bloomed pretty early in the spring.

Granbury, TX(Zone 8a)

If it is a canna it could be a cleopatra canna which often times has red streaks in the foliage although I haven't seen one with it right down the center like that one. It may be a ginger. Tanarae

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hi, the man to ask is bwilliams, he grows 1000's, seek him out.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I was just going to chime in that it looks like the ginger I got from MSJen last spring. Mine is out of the ground and hanging out with the cannas in a box in my basement. The winter cold would freeze & rot it here.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

how about listing it in tropicals, bwilliams will find it and tell you

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