Ripe Seed Pod?

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Is this seed pod ripe or did something actually eat it? It doesn't look ripe to me, but what could eat it? I've seen JBs around and DH said he'd seen a Hummingbird Moth once. I've checked all the Daturas I have and found no bugs/pest to speak of. Any ideas?

Thumbnail by heathrjoy
Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Same pod a week ago. BTW, there's no leaf damage to any plants, no damage to any other seed pods.

Thumbnail by heathrjoy
Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

Looks like something ate it or it rotted. If you're planning to collect seeds - I'd skip this one and wait for a spiny hard pod with the seeds bursting out.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the info. I can't imagine something actually eating them. Ouch!

This is disappointing, this was the largest and most ripe pod. Could it have rotted from too much rain?

At what point is it safe to remove them from the plant to let them dry/ripen on their own? I've read about this, but never read specifically when to remove them.


Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

Heathrjoy - I'm not sure. From experience, when I lived in New York, I anxiously, desperately, hopefully waited for my first pod... and quickly became over-run - picking off the extra pods by Fall and eventually there were so many I had to start throwing away the seeds. I was even ripping off the mini-pods so they didn't grow and create prickly hazards.

It seemed like mine did rot with a lot of rain, but there are TONS more opportunities... you still have a few months to collect seeds. No scientific basis for saying it, but I tend to think - the more mature the seed the better and what better place to nurture them than on the plant - so, if you want, hang onto these - try, but when you have 20 more full pods this Fall, maybe you can scrap these in favor of more mature seeds.

Good luck - makes me homesick for my yard in NY....

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Sbarr. Good point. I do have a lot of other pods coming. This was just the first and the biggest. You know that excitement! :) I guess I'll just have to be patient. hmmmm

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

:-) Save me some seeds for 2007!

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