Don't Forget...

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

August 8 is the annual "Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch" Night.

Just FYI! ; )


Dry Ridge, KY(Zone 6a)


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

& i just happen to have some one pounders!

Richfield, UT(Zone 5b)

Love it! :)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

those one pounders are still aitting there, think i'll make a list of victims!

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

So, who did it? I just gotta know...did anyone really do it?

You'll enjoy this........

Years ago, when I was first married our neighbor brought us a zucchini pie. He told me it tasted just like apple pie. He's a very good baker, he always makes us treats at Christmas. Being a good, newly wed wife, I went to make my DH's lunch before he went to work. Of course I included a piece of pie. I told him it was apple pie, otherwise he wouldn't eat it, he's too fussy. A few hours later DH calls me from work, mad as an old wet hen, hollering something about me trying to poison him! He wanted to know just exactly what I had put in his pie??? I told him I had gotten the pie from John next was zucchini...should "taste just like apple pie." Well, it turns out, it was a far, far cry from apple pie.

To this day DH won't touch zucchini. So much for getting him to try new things!

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