Pictures of my garden

New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)

Here are two of my favorite perennials. Hacquetia epipactis and Polemonium caeruleum "Brise d'Anjou".

Thumbnail by fangNJ
New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)

Heuchera 'Silver Scrolls'.

Thumbnail by fangNJ
New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)

This is Arisaema triphyllum I am growing from seeds. They don't look like the mature plants at all. Just have to wait and see.

Thumbnail by fangNJ
Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi fangNJ, I was happy to see this thread because I got three heuchera a few months ago and would like for you to tell me more about them. I have them in dapple shade in morring and shade in afternoon. Will they grow in full shade and do they grow fast or slow? Here are the picture of them. The name is Crow Feather

Thumbnail by jestelleoan
Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is Lime Ricky Heuchera

Thumbnail by jestelleoan
Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

This is Stop Light.

Thumbnail by jestelleoan
New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)

Jestelleoan, I have all my heuchera in the shady garden. They get morning sun, the afternoon shady. I also have 4 of them growing in the deep shade (it's a open area though). I think the growth rate is moderate. I won't say it's fast growing plant. Have some Thalictrum Dalavayi "Hewitt's Double". It grows to 6 feet within 3 months.

I really enjoy heuchera a lot. Hope you do too. I actually started to grow them in the spring from seeds. Will take a picture tomorrow. They are very easy to germinate. The seeds are really small.


Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

Fang, My heuchera did not bloom this year but when they do I will save you some seeds. I did not know that they were so easy to start. I grow thing from seed all the time. What else do you have in the shade garden that you start from seed? We have had a very strange spring here. It stayed cool for so long that the spring flowers had not gone dorment befor the summer flowers came out and it was a mess. You could not cut the spring leaves because they needed the sun for there bulbs and the summer flowers were crush by the heavy leaves of the spring flowers. But as much as I try I can not tell Mother Nature what to do. Joan

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)


Thanks for the pictures. I especially like the Heuchera 'Silver Scrolls'. May give it a try next year.


New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)

Joan, Here is one of heuchera seedlings I started from seeds this year.

Thumbnail by fangNJ
New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)

This is a picture of Begonia grandis. I find out begonia is really pretty and flowers last a long time. So I did some research. Found out that they are all tropical. (I try not to grow any tropical plants, I want the plants to be on the ground so I don't have to do too much work). There is one hardy begonia. So last fall, I bought one. This spring, I thought it might be dead (It turns out it actully emerges late spring), I pulled out the plant (My mistake). Later on, I found out there are about 20 baby seedlings there. Wondering if they will flower this year.

The one in the front is Vancouveria hexandra.

This message was edited Aug 4, 2005 9:09 PM

Thumbnail by fangNJ
New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)

Joan, I am very new to gardening. Just started last summer. I bought some shady plants seeds (ie, Helleborus, Peltoboykinia, Tellima etc). But most of them are not germinating yet. First, I pot them inside in the basement. Then later on, we found out some kind of flies there. So DH forbids me to grow them inside anymore. So I decide to put them in the garden, and let the mother nature take care of them. We just have to see if they germinate.

How about you? Tell me about your gardening experience. I saw your garden photo in another forum. It's really pretty. The natural style is my favorite. I like the walk path and pretty much everything.

My DH comes from German family and I am chinese. So he is very organzied. Our property is 60 X 140. So far, we have 4 gardens. (one is side shade garden, one is back shade garden, another one is next to the fence. One is sunny south garden). There are two more places(on the other side which is very shady, one is front) we are thinking about landscaping. But DH thinks those belong to him. I won't be able to touch them. He laughs at me when I move my plants around because I didn't plan them. My way of planting is finding a empty place, put it there.

Here is picture of Twinleaf and Hepatica.

Thumbnail by fangNJ
Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

Fang, got your message, I will be back this afternoon to talk to you. Joan

Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

Fagn. I just got in from the yard and boy is it hot out there. It is 98 and I am not sure what the heat index is. DH was cutting down some trees so I could get some light in to my poor plants. He does not like yard work but he likes playing with his chain saw.

I have always loved plants But really got into it four years ago when we add on to our house. We brought in 35 tons of rock in and I started building flower beds. I never do anything small. I will take some pictures of my rocks.

My husband is a retired Episcopal Priest; as retired as a priest can be. He was an electrical engineer before he became a priest so I understand completely you and your husband. We are all on the same page.

I love to grow unusual things and I have found Onalee's (Daves top 30), American Meadows and Swallowtail Garden Seed are very good places to get seeds for plants that they do not sell at Lowe's.

I want to put shade wideflowers in the woods so they will take care of themselves. I am going to try some of your plants. I just got seeds for Jacob's Ladder, Jupiter's Beard, Peggy Flower-of-Jupiter Seed, Primuls poyantha yellow, blue and red. From Onaleeseeds I got BellyAche Bush, Four colors of Four O'Clocks, Turk's-Turban, and butterfly seeds.

Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

This rock is over 2 tons.

Thumbnail by jestelleoan
Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

This one almost a ton. See the grass growing out of the big rock above.

Thumbnail by jestelleoan
Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

There are two stone benches. There is a big standing rock but it was to dark to take it.

Thumbnail by jestelleoan
New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)

Joan, I love your rocks, especially the second picture. It looks so natural.

Have you tried to grow some clumping bamboos in half shade? They are really pretty. But they grow very slow. I have Fargesia robusta and Fargesia murielae. How about Tricrytis (Toad Lily) and epimedium? I recently bought 20 epimedium online. Hopefully, they will fill up the gap soon.

Talking about rocks, last year, my husband decide to build a natural retainning wall on the back. (Our property has a slope). He bought about 15 tons of rocks and 20 yards soil and rented bob cat to place them. Trying to save money, he bought the filled soil instead of top soil. It's very poor soil and has a lot of small rocks on it. The area is about 3 feet wide, 60 feet wide. Since then, I have been planting on top of it. Now there are bamboos, bleeding heart, heuchear, hosta, ferns, ginger, meadow rue etc. My goal is to cover the whole area with plants. I will take a picture tomorrow.


Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

Fang, I have started this five times and I hope I get it sent. Something comes up and I leave the computor for a while and when I get back some how I have lost it. these computors drive me nuts.

I just got my seeds from Swallowtail Gardens. I got Jupiter's Beard, Jacob's Ladder, Lychnis, Flax and Primrose. My Four O'Clock are up along with BellyAche Bush and
Butterfly Milk weed from Onalee's Seeds. Everyone of the seeds came up.

I would realy like some clumping bamboo but they are always a $100 or more so I do not have any. Do not forget the pictures of your back yard.

A lady called and wanted to bring a friend from out of town over to see the yard. She had been on the garden tour in May and wanted her friend to see the yard. So I spent the day picking up tools and weeds that I had pulled yesterday. GH helped to. They were realy nice people we had a good time and I am so glad they came by.

My son will be in Hong Cong for four months and I wanted to go but HB did not want to take me because my health is so bad. So he went out and bought me a chipper/sheadder so I can compost. I know he is right but I sure wanted to go.

New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)


It is a long day for me today. We are going parallel with one client. Some of my apps have issue ( I am a programmer), so I need to fix them tonight. I think it's too dark to take a picture. Maybe I will ask DH to do it tomorrow.

Regarding the bamboo, I bought all my bamboo from The price is good, I think most of them are $25. And best of way, it's free shipping. Maybe you can try them too. I have some running bamboos, two clumping ones.

Hong Kong, right? It's a great city. I am so sorry that you can't go. I visited it in 2001. Next year, I am planning to go visit china with the family, and will stay in HK for couple days.

Talk to you later, got to go fix my bug now.


New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)


Here is one picture of the rocks and garden.


Thumbnail by fangNJ
New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)

One more picture.

Thumbnail by fangNJ
New Providence, NJ(Zone 6a)

Have you ordered from Swallowtail Gardens before this time? If so, how was it? Is the germination rate good? I am thinking about to order some seeds too.



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