I'm just so excited

Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

originally i was going to put up a small greenhouse, but due to my need for a good bit of space because the number of local kids that want space for their very own flats and the fact that i would love to teach them what little i know, I have decided to go bigger. Now i'm planning on building my greenhouse as an attached building off of the back of my garage. i'm so excited because I've finally gotten to the point where I am starting to gather estimates...and they aren't that bad...I grow more anxious day by day...I'll be doing my happy dance all summer

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Good for you Sandy! You deserve it girlfriend!


Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

Got even getter news. Last night two friends of mine, both are carpenters on vacation, stopped by. We bouht $100.00 in materials and they srarted on the greenhouse. No charge for labor. Today we go to spend another $400.00 and they wil have it done either tonight or tomorrow(**&^&^%^(*&%&$cm..that is the sound of my happpy dance. i was given 8 foot shelves (4 of them)and have everything else I need...I.m the happiest person on the face of the earth..To top it all off, my mother and brother even gave me the money for materials. how much more fortunate could i be....

Knoxville, TN

yes sandy,I told you last night your prayers would be answered,lol Yipee!!!!!!!!!
If anyone deserves a greenhouse it has to be you and you will love it in the morning,going out and sitting.
In everything both great and small
we see God's hand thru it all
PS Sandy don't forget about a shade cloth,don't get so excited you burn up all those babies I sent you!!!lol
luv nana
I think I can feel sandy jumping allthe way down here!!!!

Brooksville, ME(Zone 5a)

You are a lucky dog!

Mine started of as an annex to my large garden shed, the shed itself was 33'x 12 x10, and like you i wanted a GH, so i decided to put it one end of the shed, that changed, i added it to one end like i planned, but i took off 15' of the shed roof and incorperated the GH and shed as one, took out the side wall of the shed too, i now use pannels coverd in bubble wrap to make a partian wall in winter, i will post pics of it on photo forum today.

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