Questions about what type of greenhouse

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

We are planning on putting up an extra garage/storage shed. It can not be any larger than 24 x 24...and I thought that I might like to have a greenhouse as part of this space. Can anyone give me any ideas on places to search for a possible greenhouse that might work with this project. I am open to any suggestions...lean-to, full-scale etc...but it would have to be incorporated into this garage/storage shed. By the way...the large glass side would be facing to the south. Thanks for any help you can provide.


Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

hmm.. I would think that once you have the building framed, you could put a partition in depending on how large you want the greenhouse and then attach bi or tri-wall poly sheets to the framing of the part of the builing that you wanted to be the greenhouse..

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