Fulvic acid

Earlysville, VA

Has anybody try fulvic acid on their plants?,,,,,,,I heard it suppose to help plants to take up nurtrients.,,,,,,,Thanks ,Hoss

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

hoss, I started using Fulvic Acid this year, I used it on my seedlings with great success. and I've been using it in my greenhouse about once a week when I water. I've been getting the powdered form and diluting it 2 1/32 of a teaspoon in one gallon of water. I also add it to my compost tea. as far as suppliers I use super-grow.biz , they seem to be the most economical. they sent me a free sample of their grow tonic. I've been using it on my cucumbers and tomatoes, I live in Port Orchard, Wash. and our summer didn't start till July, I've been picking cucumbers for three weeks, I got my first tomato this week, with a lot on the way, if you use it don't over spray every other week is plenty. lol hostajim1

Earlysville, VA

Thanks hostajim1 very much,,,,,,,,,i will be getting some fulvic acid,,,,,,,,Thanks again,,,,,,Hoss

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