Lawn Care

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Some interesting suggestions from Gardens Alive!...........


Four Steps To Good Mowing...
Don't put it off until Saturday! Mow your lawn when it's needed -- when the blades are one-third taller than the recommended height. Regular mowing reduces stress, preventing disease and pests. Conversely, taking too much off at once starves the roots and may expose new lower leaves to sunburn. Remember -- fewer, shorter clippings eliminates the need to rake or catch!
Mow in a circular pattern spiraling inward. You'll never have to turn the mower around and you can blow the clippings inward for better mulching. Go back and tidy up the corners afterwards.
Keep your blades sharp - they won't tear grass so there is less chance of disease. Plus you'll get done faster and give your lawn a nice look.
Leave short grass clippings where they fall. You will add free nutrients to your soil and stimulate beneficial bioactivity. Rake up wet, thick clippings and add them to your compost pile.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

thanks... wish i could mow, but haven't figured that one out, too much risk of reinjury, so just been collecting wildflower seeds

i like the circular idea, that may be how i can do it once i am brave enough LOL

always use a mulching mower. get other peoples clippings for the garden :-)

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, the circular idea made sense to me, too. Easier to handle the mower and no strip lines showing. Pls don't take any chances going back to mowing too soon. Hire a high schooler and supervise!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

don't worry, i was just thibking i might get to mow in late fall before snow. And even than i don'twant to overuse my hand. anyone stop to look at how your hand & wrisyt woerk? they are like a well lubed axle & a sophisticated transmission! don't take all those movements for granted :-)

here is another mowing tip: less likely to rain in the third quareter if themoon (after full moon). & if you mow then it grows back slower!

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