Amaryllis questions

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

My amaryllis bloomed for the second time this year. Is this normal? Also, what is the seedlike thing that comes from the flowers? Not sure if you can see it in the picture. It's in the top half, center.

Thumbnail by Quyen

Yes they can bloom twice in a year given the right conditions. The round thing is a seed pod, they are quite easy to germinate as fresh seed but it does exhaust the plant so you may not get blooms twice next year.

This message was edited Jul 26, 2005 7:41 AM

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I have a seedling that is doing great. If you'd like a pic, remind me by emailing me. (it's late here).

My experience is that bulbs that if I keep amaryllis indoors and do not force them into dormancy they will bloom more than once per year with regular light and food.

The seedlike thing is a pod. Cut off the spent stalk unless you want seeds. Most people don't. As soon as the flower dies cut off the stalk, but not the leaves.

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

Thank you for the replies.

Didn't know they could be grown from seeds. That's neat.

If it's a matter of light and food then I'll be sure to feed it so it'll bloom more often.

When should I repot it? I think I had 3 bulbs in that little container for a few years now. It's looking a bit too snug.

Repot every two or three years in a pot with at least a an inch of space on the sides and some room below, but don't use too big a pot. If you want them to bloom more than once a year I would leave them together to minimize root damage. I would use some worm compost, which you can get at garden centers along with a commercial potting mix.

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