Whats eating the Lilac?

Reno, NV

Any ideas what is causing this damage and what I can do about it organically? Please excuse the lousy photo.

Thumbnail by sierramp
Cleveland, OH

looks to me like leaf cutter bees. they are beneficial insects and only take the margins of the leaves to make nests...I live with the damage because the plant is not seriously harmed, and they are very beneficial pollinators.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I have cutter bees in my yard though they have only bothered the ash. They make little nests out of the leaf pieces they cut. They are not considered pests and shouldn't hurt your lilac, if that is what it is. The bees in my garden are HUGE. Which is why I first noticed them then the leaves.

Reno, NV

I have seen a lot of bees recently so leaf-cutter bees made sense. Then a neighbor said it was root weevils. I went out at night with my flashlight and camera and found this! Don't know how I'm going to keep them out of the lilacs though.

Thumbnail by sierramp
Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

Here's an image of damage from a leaf cutter bee. The damage is larger with a more circular pattern than yours.

Thumbnail by Mobi
Reno, NV

Mobi, thank you for the interesting comparison photo. If I had bees I'd just leave the lilacs alone. I don't see much reason to leave the weevils alone though. I wonder whether a biodegradable soap mixed with water and sprayed with a hand sprayer would at least discourage them somewhat. I think I'll start a thread regarding root weevils to ask this question. Do your bees come back every year Mobi and bogman?

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I lived in this house for about six years and this is the first I've noticed them. But then this is the first year we haven't had drought, so I don't know if they will be here next year.

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