What is the best online source for trees?

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I am looking to buy trees online as they are often less expensive then the ones in the nurseries around here, but I need some good sources. I know about ForestFarm but they don't always have the trees I am looking for so if you know some good places to buy trees please let us all know!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

How many - what kind?


Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I am looking for ornamentals, deciduous and dwarf evergreens. Don't need an orchard or anything. Trees are so expensive here whereas I found they are about half the price (with shipping) online of the ones I have found at forestfarm and other places. They are smaller, yes, but I can be patient. Ornamental crabtrees and pears, etc.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Mobi, beside FF I've also ordered several times from Musser Forests ( http://www.musserforests.com/default.htm ). I've ordered blue spruce to grow out and select the bluest (like what you see in your neck of the woods). It's also where I got my Golden Hinoki Cypress.

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

These folks are really great. They're interest is trees more than money, so they're cheaper and offer all kinds of guidance. I've called their 800 number before with questions.


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

yep, Arbor day foundation. Was a member for a long time and grown many trees out from the time. My first Dawn Redwood came from them. I've had folks in other threads have no confidence in them. I must admit, what I ordered as a green ash has turned out to be a white ash. Oh well, lost the yellow fall foliage I was looking forward too but it's grown very well.

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I just read the Garden Watchdog about them. Had to laugh at all the comments on the 10 free membership trees. Don't know anyone who has had good luck with those - it's kind of a joke around here. Folks in our area (including us) seem to have had good luck with purchased trees though. I have found them to be very helpful with tree problems even if they didn't sell me the tree to begin with. Maybe it depends on what part of the country (zone) they're shipping to.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

If you're familiar with Forestfarm, you probably know about Heronswood? That's where I get many of mine. Polly

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Ive purchased often from Arrowhead Alpines. A specialty is dwarf conifers. They have many unusual plants & you'll be treated well. I'm certain you'll be satisfied if you don't mind the smallish plants that typically arrive via mail.

Do yourself a favor & order next year's catalog in hard copy. It is a hoot & illustrates the owner's rakish sense of humor.



Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

i've never had any luck with the trees purchased from the National Arbor Day foundation but always thought it was me or the trees were too small and didn't do well because I didn't baby them.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Check out Fairweather Gardens as well. See my review of them in Watchdog. Good luck.


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Mobi / McGlory - I was hit-n-miss the first few batches of trees (although they replaced them if asked... just like advertised) Once I started potting the seedlings upon arrival and growing out in pots the first summer I had 100% success rate.

I'd either sink the pots or transplant in the fall. Member 9 years and rejoining now. Then next spring I'm going to start a thread when the seedlings arrive showing how they arrived, what I do with them and then progress reports/pics through the season. This isn't the first time I've heard of the difficulties growing the seedlings and as I said, I went through the same thing.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

Thanks 8ftbed. I will do that as they have the best prices. I probably won't be ordering from them until the spring and will look forward to your thread. I'll try a few things and see how they do.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

8ftbed, Do you just pot them in topsoil or potting soil? So you feed them?

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Like any other container, potting soil of some kind. If it makes you feel better, Miracle Grow actually has a version for trees and shrubs. I just get something good that comes in the biggest bags. Tree seedlings in pots get fertilized now and then as well.

Oh yeah - mulch those pots! I didn't initially but it does make a difference. My favorite is shredded leaves but grass clippings or whatever else (organic) that you happen to mulch with is fine.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I have to mulch all my pots or they dry out too quickly. Thanks!

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