bagged store bought salads...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

after reading this, you may want to get some more greens seeds and start them in the shade of your trellissed veggies...

from a clip out of a magazine, source unknown...emphasis mine(typos 2)

"The underside of salad

Pre-washed lettuce sold in plastic bags & ready for the salad bowl is one of the latest success stories in the ready-nade food industry. But it comes at a price. The catalogue of the hip British sustainable clothing manufacturer Howies (autumn/winter 2004/2005) offered the recipe for washed salad:

[now emphasis mine, italics theirs]

Firstly, add four pinches of insecticides. Two pinches of fungicide. And two measures of herbicide. After picking, store in conditions that reduce the oxygen from 21% to 3% and replace with the corresponding amount of CO2. This is perfect for stopping the aging process so the salad still appears fresh, but it can't stop the goodness being lost with each day that passes. Keep in this state for anything up to a month. Then take some chlorine, 50 mg per litre (quart) should do it (a measure the equivalent of 20 times the strength of your local swimming pool) and gently rinse.

Then simply bag. Ready for sale.

Supermarkets. Now wash your hands of that."

followed by AP photo of Dole bagged salads...

[i loved our fresh salads in the spring, & hope to have much more this fall... will also post in Healthy Living forum]

This message was edited Jul 24, 2005 2:33 PM

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

Yipes - thanks for confirming my suspicions. We can get such a product here in non-recyclable No. 5 plastic tubs.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, sounds yummy, uh-huh :-O

Prospect Park, PA(Zone 7a)

I heard they aren't clean, either. So easy to grow.

A couple of years ago I had a job interview with a vegetable processing company and yes I've seen this with my own two peepers. The stench of chlorine at the last wash was incredible and while the packets always state that you must wash the veg inside thoroughly a great many people see them looking clean and don't even show them the tap.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

in the u.s., the package says "ready to eat" and "triple washed"

i assume you passed on that job!

I did! I left during the lunch (it was a group, day long interview). One of the managers was extremely rude to me too, the other managers saw it and tried to persuade me to ignore it but I'd seen enough to know I wouldn't work for them even if they offered me the CEOs salary.

Greenfield, MA(Zone 5b)

one word, ORGANIC, and all that nastiness disappears. It's the only way to grow!

Palm Springs, CA(Zone 9b)

I buy bagged Organic lettuce from Trader Joe'S. Does anyone know if there is a problem with the Organic brands.
I am living in Germany this summer and buy lettuce at the Organic Market. The German's would not dream of bagging lettuce and I have been buying regular lettuce and washing myself, it does taste better, but it also goes bad much quicker.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i buy earthbound organic bagged grreens, they have many varieties.

the method i described was for conventional, organics cannot be wahed in chlorine, they cost more because they don't store as long. but when i don't have any in my garden, earthbound farms brand is available at our United SUPERmarket...

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